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Azure Information Protection Documentation Update for May 2018

Carol Bailey's avatar
Carol Bailey
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May 31, 2018

The Documentation for Azure Information Protection has been updated on the web and the latest content has a May 2018 (or later) date at the top of the article.


Following hot on the heals of the client GA release last month, this month saw a new preview version of the client, which is now GA.  If you are running the scanner or still evaluating it, you will definitely want to check out the new options and improvements that this new version brings.


In addition, we have a new article that covers how to configure a label to protect a document such that others can edit it - whether they are your own users, users in another organization, or individuals without an Azure AD account who want to use their personal email address. With this article, we're announcing support for Microsoft accounts and walk through what this looks like for the user opening the protected document.  We used the example of a user with a Gmail email address.  It's important to note that Microsoft accounts are currently supported only with Office 2016 Click-to-Run.


We listen to your feedback and try to incorporate it whenever possible. Let me know if you have feedback about the documentation and I also encourage you to head over to our Yammer site to see what others are discussing. 


What's new in the documentation for Azure Information Protection, May 2018


How does Azure RMS work? Under the hood

- Updated the Variations section, at the end of the walkthroughs, to explain the minor differences when consuming a protected email and the recipient is using federation with a social identity provider or a one-time passcode.


Hold your own key (HYOK) protection for Azure Information Protection

- This article has had significant revisions throughout that include clarifying the difference between cloud-based protection and HYOK, and a breakdown of supported scenarios by platform and consumption/protection.  With this revision, Mac computers are now supported but for consuming content that's HYOK protected, and not for protecting content with HYOK. Note that HYOK protection is supported only when it's applied by an Azure Information Protection label,


How to configure a label for visual markings for Azure Information Protection

- Updated the section about how visual markings are applied to note the exception when you use AutoSave with Office 2016. In addition, we've had reports of visual markings not always applying to PowerPoint presentations, which turned out to be an overlooked PowerPoint configuration.  We've now clarified that to show the visual markings in PowerPoint, the Hide Background Graphics check box must not be selected for the master slide.


Configuring and managing templates for Azure Information Protection

- Updated the instructions to create a new template and clarified that a newly created template is published as archived. To publish the template, so that it's available to users and services, you must add its label to the global policy, or a scoped policy.


Deploying the Azure Information Protection scanner to automatically classify and protect files

- Updated throughout for the new features and changes for the latest version of the scanner.


Azure Information Protection client: Version release history and support policy

- Updated for the release.


Admin Guide: Install the Azure Information Protection client for users

- Updated to clarify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 requirement, which is checked and automatically downloaded when you interactively install the Azure Information Protection client. It is not automatically installed when you install the client silently - the executable, the .msi, or Windows Update.  For these installation scenarios, you must deploy this software requirement yourself.


Admin Guide: Using PowerShell with the Azure Information Protection client

- Updated with the information that if a different user installed the Azure Information Protection module, you might need to first import the module before running the cmdlets.


User Guide: Track and revoke your documents when you use Azure Information Protection

- Updated with warning that in some cases, the map view from the document tracking site might not accurately display the recipient's location. This can happen when the recipient is using a VPN connection, or a computer that uses IPv6. 


PowerShell: AzureInformationProtection

- Updated for the new cmdlets, Add-AIPScannerScannedFileTypes, Remove-AIPScannerScannedFileTypes, and Set-AIPScannerScannedFileTypes.







Updated May 11, 2021
Version 5.0
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