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Microsoft Security Blog

Announcing the public preview of Insider Risk Management

TalhahMir's avatar
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Jan 21, 2020

At Ignite last November, we announced Microsoft 365 Insider Risk Management and began a private preview. Since then, we’ve been hard at work developing the ability to scale and deliver a solution that leverages AI and automation to quickly identify and investigate insider risks.


Today, we move to the next phase and announce the public preview of Insider Risk Management. Now, all multi-tenant customers worldwide can access this solution. Insider Risk Management helps your organization intelligently identify and take action on insider risks by:


  • Ensuring employee privacy is built-in with anonymity controls
  • Correlating native and third-party signals within tailored policy templates to intelligently identify insider threats
  • Enabling end-to-end investigations with integrated workflows across IT, HR and legal teams


As we start public preview, we’ll continue listening and taking feedback, to ensure we’re meeting your needs as we head toward general availability in the coming months. At general availability the solution will also be available in go-local environments with government following shortly thereafter.


Insider Risk Management is part of the Microsoft 365 E5 suite, and you can sign up for a trial or navigate to the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center to get started today. 


**Ready to get started? Check out our getting started guide to learn how.

Updated May 11, 2021
Version 6.0
  • Oh, that's on me then, I hadn't granted the permissions yet. It seems to work fine now with O365 E5 license (no M365 E5), which answers my other question.

  • Hi VasilMichev,


    Thanks for bringing this up. This is an error an individual will see if they don't have the permission granted by their organization to access insider risk management. Please see the getting started guide:


    Your quickest option is Option 1 in Step 1: "Add users to the Insider Risk Management role group" which can be done by your tenant admin.



  • Is the rollout complete? I get an 403 error when trying to access the page:


    Request: /apiproxy/aed/ComplianceWorkbench/api/v1/Cases?$filter=status%20eq%20Microsoft.Office.Compliance.InsiderRisk.Model.CaseStatus'Active'&$top=3
    Status code: 403
    Diagnostic information: **{Version:17.00.4092.006,Environment:WEUPROD,DeploymentId:ee608620397741d999472a4b622e9d84,InstanceId:WebRole_IN_1,SID:c23d0a1c-73f3-499b-b33f-8fc8ff40011e,CID:9bb58b02-5333-450f-b81e-19aa6ef16dc7}
    Time: 2020-01-22T07:43:34.839Z

    I have O365 E5 license, if it's only supposed to work with M365 E5, perhaps you shouldn't be showing it in the nav pane at all?