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Announcement: Configuration Manager Documentation Library Update for March 2012

yvetteomeally's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Apr, 19 2012

The Documentation Library for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager has been updated on the web and the latest content has Updated: March 1, 2012 at the top of the topic. This is the official release version of this library. There are no significant updates for the Configuration Manager 2007 Documentation Library .

You will soon be able to download a local copy of the TechNet library docs for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager by running a new version of the Help File Update Wizard.  When this is available, we will announce it on this blog.

As a reminder from last month: The default view for TechNet is now Lightweight, rather than Classic.  If you want to return to the Classic view, click the Preferences icon in the top right of the page.  Then, from the Choose View page, click Classic .

For example, you might to use Classic so that you have the Collapse All/Expand All control in the top left of the page.  When you click Expand All before you search on a page, search then finds text in sections that are collapsed.  The Expand All capability is not included in the Lightweight view.

We value customer feedback and try to incorporate it when possible.  Although we can’t promise to make the docs perfect for everybody, we are committed to continual improvement.  So, keep that feedback coming, and feel free to contact us about anything related to the documentation by using our usual address of .

What's New in the Documentation Library for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, March 2012

The following information lists the topics that contain significant changes since the February 2012 update.

Configuration Manager

- Updated to include a link to the Release Notes for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

Introduction to Configuration Manager

- Updated with a new section for Example Scenarios for Configuration Manager that walk you through how you might use Configuration Manager to empower users by ensuring access to applications from any device, unify compliance management for devices, and simplify client management for devices.

Supported Configurations for Configuration Manager

- Updated for the following updates and clarifications:

  • A single label domain is supported with limitations
  • Network Address Translation is supported only for Internet-based clients
  • The number of clients that are supported at secondary sites is increased to 5,000
  • Scale guidance for software update points and limits when you use them for Network Load Balancing clusters
  • SQL Server versions, including the recently cumulative update versions
  • Manual configurations that might be required when you use a Windows Server 2003 computer as a distribution point
  • Clarification that the Exchange Server connector supports Office 356 in addition to BPOS

Planning for Communications Across Forests in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify how clients across forests and clients in workgroups are supported by Configuration Manager.

Technical Reference for the Prerequisite Checker in Configuration Manager

- New topic that provides technical details about available prerequisite checks that Setup runs or that you can run separately to check for security rights, Configuration Manager dependencies, and system requirements.

Install Sites and Create a Hierarchy for Configuration Manager

- Updated for the required permissions when you install a primary or secondary site.

Install and Configure Site System Roles for Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify why throttling settings for the fallback status point do not apply only when it is configured for client connections on the Internet.

Configure Database Replicas for Management Points

- Updated for corrections to the script in the Configure a Self-Signed Certificate for the Database Replica Server section.

Planning for Content Deployment During Migration to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify when a Configuration Manager 2007 distribution point on a secondary site server is eligible for upgrade to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.

How to Assign Clients to a Site in Configuration Manager

- Updated to incorporate mobile device clients, roaming, and how to verify site assignment.

Best Practices for Client Deployment

- New topic with some client deployment best practice recommendations for client computers.

How to Install Clients on Mobile Devices and Enroll Them by Using Configuration Manager

- Updated to add the client settings that relate to the polling schedule and hardware inventory.

About Client Installation Properties in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify the /noservice and /mp properties.

How to Deploy Applications in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify that the option Require administrator approval if users request this application is unavailable when the application is deployed to a device collection. Also clarified the option Deploy automatically according to schedule whether or not a user is logged on .

Prerequisites for Application Management in Configuration Manager

- Updated with the new external dependency that if you deploy .SIS/.SISX files to a Nokia Symbian Belle mobile device that is enrolled by Configuration Manager, you must use a file format that conforms to the OS v9.x SIS file format specification.

Example Scenario for Application Management in Configuration Manager

- New topic that provides an example walkthrough of how you might create, deploy, and manage applications by using Configuration Manager.

Introduction to Hardware Inventory in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify and add information about using MIF files to extend hardware inventory. These topics include additional information:

Introduction to Compliance Settings in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify that although you cannot create general configuration items in the Configuration Manager console, mobile device configuration items are automatically configured with this configuration item type.

How to Create Windows Configuration Items in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify that SQL Query settings cannot use SQL commands that modify the database.

How to Import Configuration Data in Configuration Manager

- Updated to clarify the behavior of the option Create a new copy of the imported configuration baselines and configuration items.

Example Scenario for Compliance Settings in Configuration Manager

- New topic that provides an example walkthrough of how you might use compliance settings to automatically remediate a registry key setting that prevents an application from running.

How to Configure Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager

- Updated with additional information about how to create automatic deployment rules and the antimalware products that Endpoint Protection can uninstall.

Frequently Asked Questions for Configuration Manager

- Updated with new entries that include the following:

  • Can I upgrade a prerelease version of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager to the released version?
  • Can I upgrade an evaluation version of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager?
  • Can I manage SMS 2003 clients with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, or migrate SMS 2003 sites and clients to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager?
  • Can I use security scopes to restrict which distribution points are shown in the Distribution Status node in the Monitoring workspace?
  • When distribution points are enabled for bandwidth control, does the site server compress the content that it distributes to them in the same way as site-to-site data is compressed?
  • How often are application deployments summarized?
  • How does the processing of requirements differ between a deployment with the action of Install and a deployment with the action of Uninstall?
  • What happens if a simulated deployment and a standard deployment for the same application are deployed to a computer?
  • When you view the status of an application deployment in the Deployments node of the Monitoring workspace, how is the Compliance % calculated?
  • Can I deploy operating systems to computers that are not managed by Configuration Manager?
  • When I deploy an operating system to multiple computers, can I optimize how the operating system image is sent to the destination computers?

-- The Configuration Manager Writing Team

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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