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Microsoft Security Blog

Announcement: Azure RMS Documentation Library Update for April 2016

Azure Information Protection Team's avatar
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Apr 29, 2016
Hi everybody As per Carol’s introduction post , she's letting you know what's new and hot in the docs for this month. Reminders: Follow us on twitter ( @TheRMSGuy ) and join in our RMS peer community at . Dan (on behalf of the RMS team) The Documentation Library for Azure Rights Management has been updated on the web and the latest content has Updated: April 1, 2016 (or later) at the top of the page.

Summary of the documentation available: Getting Started with Rights Management | Configuring Rights Management | Using Rights Management | Administering Rights Management by using Windows PowerShell | Rapid Deployment Guide for Azure Rights Management

Plus, the Rights Management sharing application guides ( admin guide and user guide ) and FAQs (for Windows and mobile platforms ).

There are no significant changes this month to the documentation for the RMS sharing application. We value customer feedback and try to incorporate it when possible.  Although we can't promise to make the docs perfect for everybody, we are committed to continual improvement.  If you have any feedback about the docs for the RMS Protection Took, the RMS sharing application, or for Azure RMS, email .

What's New in the Documentation Library for Azure Rights Management, April 2016

The following information lists the articles that have significant changes since the last update (March 2016). Requirements for Azure Rights Management - Updated for the following:
  • Tables removed from the Cloud subscriptions that support Azure RMS section, except for the Office 365 subscription table.
  • Moved the client capabilities table from the client devices section to the Applications that support Azure RMS section, and updated the table to include Citrix WorxMail for iOS, Android, Windows 10 Mobile, and Windows Phone 8.1
  • Added support for integrating the RMS sharing app for mobile devices with Microsoft Intune
  • Added support for SharePoint 2016
Azure Rights Management Deployment Roadmap - Updated to include the RMS Protection Tool. Configuring Applications for Azure Rights Management - Updated the The RMS sharing application for mobile platforms: Installation and management section, to include information and links for integrating the RMS sharing app with Microsoft Intune. For more information about this recent release, see our blog post, Introducing Intune MAM capabilities for the RMS sharing app on Android . Deploying the Azure Rights Management Connector - Updated to include SharePoint 2016.  For the Configuring an Exchange server to use the connector section, added information about how IRM configuration can be set at different levels for Exchange.  If users cannot see any of the Azure RMS templates in the Outlook Web App (after waiting a day after enabling Azure RMS for Exchange) or on mobile devices when they can see the templates in the Outlook client, check the relevant settings to make sure that IRM is not disabled at these different levels. Another administrator might have previously disabled one or more of these settings.
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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