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Microsoft Security Blog

An important news update for users of Windows RMS 1.0 and the IRM trial service for Windows Live ID users

Azure Information Protection Team's avatar
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on May, 15 2012

Hey folks, we want to give you a heads up of a change that is going to occur at the end of this week (on May 18 th , 2012), which might impact some operations and that might need action on your part if you are using either of the following products or services to support a rights management solution within your organization:

  • Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) 1.0 running under Windows
    Server 2003
  • Windows Live ID credentials to access RMS-protected content

Because of some recent changes and restructuring in Microsoft online services, the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) service will be retired on May 18 th , 2012. Up until now, the UDDI service has provided service discovery locations for both RMS 1.0 servers in support of the IRM trial service (which works within Microsoft Office), but after this Friday it will no longer be available.

What this means for organizations that are using these products and services is as follows:

  • If you are using Windows RMS 1.0 within Windows Server 2003, and you want to activate new clusters or renew SLCs for existing clusters you will receive an error unless you follow steps to reconfigure your RMS 1.0 servers so that they perform service discovery through alternate means that involve making a few simple changes in the Windows registry on your servers. For more detailed information on what needs to be updated to maintain service, see the following Knowledge Base article in the Microsoft Support library: (Article ID 2708963) Administrators receive a security warning and an error message when they try to perform some tasks for Windows Rights Management Services 1.0 for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 ( )
  • If you using Windows Live ID integration with RMS, your users won’t be able to activate new machines or new accounts unless they follow similar steps to make changes in the Windows registry on their computers. For
    more detailed information on what needs to be updated to maintain service, see the following Knowledge Base article in the Microsoft Support library: (Article ID 2711170) Information Rights Management trial service for Office is disrupted by certification error ( )

The changes indicated in the articles mentioned above can be applied immediately.

Only the UDDI service used for discovery of these services is being turned off at this point. With the changes highlighted above your servers and clients should be able to continue using these services. While the Windows Live ID IRM service is a trial service and, as stated in the terms of service, may be decommissioned in the future, the service itself is not affected by the actions being taken this Friday.

Thanks and let us know if you have any difficulty or additional questions about applying these updates effectively.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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