We are pleased to announce the enterprise-ready release of the security baseline for Microsoft Edge version 96!
We have reviewed the settings in Microsoft Edge version 96 and updated our guidance with the addition of 2 settings. A new Microsoft Edge security baseline package was just released to the Download Center. You can download the version 96 package from the Security Compliance Toolkit.
Show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar
To help prevent social engineering attacks and to ensure that the IE Mode engine is only used where necessary, we have set this to Disabled to ensure any use of IEMode is controlled by the IT Administrator.
Configure Edge TyposquattingChecker
Typosquatting has been around for a while and Microsoft Edge has now added a new setting to help prevent phishing using lookalike/similar URLs. This setting is Enabled in the baseline. Additional information on Typosquatting can be found here.
Microsoft Edge version 96 introduced 15 new computer settings and 15 new user settings. We have included a spreadsheet listing the new settings in the release to make it easier for you to find them.
As a friendly reminder, all available settings for Microsoft Edge are documented here, and all available settings for Microsoft Edge Update are documented here.
Please continue to give us feedback through the Security Baseline Community or this post.
Updated Nov 23, 2021
Version 1.0Rick_Munck
Joined January 26, 2019
Microsoft Security Baselines Blog
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