First published on CloudBlogs on Jul, 12 2013
Howdy folks,
Many of you have already noticed that we've relocated our blog from MSDN to TechNet and combined it with the existing AD blog on TechNet.
We decided to make this changeover to avoid the confusion of having multiple AD blogs and because a lot of AD enthusiasts already visit this section of TechNet regularly. By relocating we have the chance to drive broader awareness of the work we are doing in the Active Directory Community. But even though we've moved neighborhoods, the content of the blog won't be changing. We'll still be bringing you the latest news from the Active Directory team across Windows Server and Windows Azure. And we'll do that with information that is relevant both to IT professionals and developers.
For those of you who are new readers of the Active Directory Team blog - welcome to the discussion!
For those of you who were already readers, welcome to the new neighborhood!
Alex (Twitter: Alex_A_Simons)
Director of Program Management
Active Directory
Published Sep 07, 2018
Version 1.0Alex Simons (AZURE)
Joined May 01, 2017
Microsoft Entra Blog
Stay informed on how to secure access for workforce, customer, and workload identities, from anywhere, to multicloud and on-premises resources, with comprehensive identity and network access solutions.