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Reducing Extra Prompts with the Authentication Prompt Analysis Workbook

Sue Bohn's avatar
Sue Bohn
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 03, 2022

We’re excited to share with you our latest Azure AD workbook, Authentication Prompt Analysis! You can find all our previous workbooks at Azure Monitor workbooks for reports.  If you haven’t setup your logs to use log analytics yet, you can follow the getting started tutorial Configure the log analytics wizard in Azure AD. Then, read on in this new workbook to learn about the different data sets available, plus tips on how to improve your end user experience by reducing extra prompts. 


Inbar and Corissa will walk you through the details. 




Hello, I’m Inbar Cizer Kobrinsky and I’m joined with Corissa Koopmans to share with you our latest Azure AD workbook, Authentication Prompt Analysis! We will walk you through the different data sets available to you in this workbook, and give you some tips on how to improve your end-user experience by reducing extra prompts. 


Why extra prompts matter 

Before we jump into the workbook details, we want to share a customer story who was simulating a cyber-attack in their environment. They started by running a simple password spray attack to find all the weak and easily guessable passwords in their organization. Then these users were bombarded with MFA prompts to see how they would react. I know what you’re thinking, “Don’t worry, they had management approval to do this.” 


To the company’s surprise, they found that no users reported these unexpected prompts! To make matters worse, many of the users blindly approved the MFA prompts without realizing that they hadn’t initiated any of them. One user completely gave up and uninstalled the Authenticator app entirely!  


When not caused by a cyber-attack simulation, over prompting of users can be caused by a misconfigured application or an overly aggressive authentication prompts policy. Over prompting users impacts their productivity and often leads users to approving MFA prompts they didn’t initiate. To be clear, MFA is essential! We are not talking about if you should require MFA, but how frequently you should prompt your users. 


OK, now let’s dive into our new workbook and how to use it to analyze the prompts in your tenant. We’ll walk you through a sample customer environment. 


Authentication methods  

First, you’ll want to start with getting an understanding of what types of authentications are taking place in your environment and from what types of devices. You’ll do this by looking at the initial data chart, Authentication Prompts by Authentication Methods.  



Start by asking if this is what you’d expect to see in your environment based on what authentication methods you know your users are using. This sample customer tenant, in effort to reduce prompts and improve their end user experience, has been moving their users to use the Authenticator app as a second factor. To understand how the authenticator app can reduce prompts on mobile devices, read this deep dive on the PRT.   


TIP: To move users from telecom-based methods to the Authenticator app, nudge users to set up Microsoft Authenticator.

More information:  



Another way to reduce MFA prompts is to move to a passwordless authentication method at sign-in such as Hello for Business or FIDO2. To validate what authentication methods users have registered in your tenant, you can use the Authentication Methods insights dashboard. If you see things that are not expected, those are good candidates to investigate further.  



The next two charts focus on devices being used in the environment. The first one is a view of how many authentications per hour are coming from which OS. This should help you determine whether people are seeing unnecessary prompts on their workstations or their mobile phones so you can start to focus on where we can improve the experience the most. It’s also a good way to see if there are any devices on older OSes that might have gotten missed in previous upgrades.  



From this data set we can determine that most of our prompts per hour are coming from workstations, not mobile phones. It also looks like a few Windows 8 machines didn’t get upgraded to the correct corporate Windows 10 build. We should also go back and fix that. If you saw a high number of authentications from mobile phones, as we mentioned earlier, the Authenticator app is a great way to cut down on those prompts. But since it’s on Windows workstations, let’s move to the next chart.    



Authentication prompts by device state is a view of how many prompts are attributed to devices that are Azure AD joined, Hybrid Azure AD Joined, Azure AD registered, or completely unknown to Azure AD, aka ‘unmanaged’.  


In the chart above, the vast majority of prompts are from unmanaged devices. By implementing  Azure AD Join and Hybrid Azure AD Join, customers will drastically cut down on additional MFA prompts because the device will now have the Azure AD Primary Refresh Token (PRT). This is similar to how the Authenticator app can reduce prompts on mobile.  


So that’s our overall authentication view and what the authentication experience looks like from a device view. Now let’s take a look at it from a user view in the Authentication Prompts by User data set.  



Similar to the other views, this User View will show us the most prompts during this time span from a user perspective. As we can see, some of these numbers are expected. However, we have several users that are doing many more prompts than we’d expect and would be cause for more investigation.  



If we scroll down a bit farther, we have a summary of users with the most prompts and additional information for troubleshooting such as application, time stamp and request ID.  For a reference point, you can also see the average and median prompt count across all users. The top users in this list likely are having a bad experience. This is typically because something is misconfigured or maybe the account is under attack. Either way, investigation is warranted and action should be taken.  




If an application is misconfigured, it may attempt to continuously attempt to authenticate unsuccessfully and ultimately have a very high prompt count.  With that in mind, look out for applications that have a disproportionally high percentage of prompts. For many customers the most used apps will be the business productivity apps. Anything that isn’t expected should be investigated.  




Authentication process detail 

With every sign-in, there are authentication process details included such as OAUTH Scope, the type of Authentication Library, IP addresses, legacy TLS, and CAE (Continuous Access Evaluation). It’s also important to note that one sign-in may have more than one process involved.  



This data can be useful when troubleshooting or looking for legacy TLS in your environment once TLS 1.0/1.1 and 3DES is deprecated. To learn more: Enable TLS 1.2 support as Azure AD TLS 1.0/1.1 is deprecated – Active Directory 


Authentication policy 

Azure AD has multiple policies that can require MFA for the user. For example, Conditional Access, Per-user MFA and Security defaults can also require a user to perform MFA. One lesser-known way for a user to be prompted for MFA is if the app requires MFA in order to gain access (enforced by the relying party, instead of the Identity Provider). For example, every time a user goes to update their security information, the user is required to do MFA. The chart below will help you identify if there are any policies you didn’t expect in your tenant that enforced MFA on your users. 




Recommendations and workbook tips 

Finally, at the bottom we have four big ways to improve your users’ experience, and reduce prompts and the relative percentage. For example, identify authentications prompts on mobile devices that are using any methods other than the Authenticator app. 





One final workbook tip: at the very top of the workbook, you can continue to get more granular in your filtering. Filtering for a specific user having a lot of authentication requests or only showing applications with sign-in failures can also lead to interesting findings to continue to remediate.  



For more information, we recommend reading MFA Prompts Documentation. 


We hope this workbook provides valuable insights and helps you reduce prompts in your organization! If you have any feedback on the workbook, please fill out this short survey.   




Learn more about Microsoft identity: 

Updated Mar 07, 2022
Version 2.0
  • conrad_sf's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Any chance this workbook will get updated? It's no longer displaying FIDO2 security keys correctly with the rebrand to passkeys which is skewing the data.

  • sclark666's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi, silly question, but how to do get access to/configure this workbook in our tenant please? 

  • @prakashjiha - Thank you for noticing that - I fixed it and the change should be reflecting soon 🙂


  • prakashjha's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Thank you, the workbook gives a wealth of information.

    May i request to fix the typo in "Prompts by Applications" table, Column Name "Count of pormpts" in the Azure AD blade in Azure portal?