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Publisher verification and app consent policies are now generally available

Alex Simons (AZURE)'s avatar
Oct 07, 2020

Howdy folks,


With usage of cloud apps on the rise to enable remote work, attackers have been looking to leverage application-based attacks, such as consent phishing, to gain unwarranted access to valuable data in cloud services. To protect our customers from such attacks while continuing to foster a secure and trustworthy app ecosystem we're announcing three new updates: 


  • General availability of publisher verification
  • User consent updates for unverified publishers
  • General availability of app consent policies

General availability of publisher verification

Last week at Microsoft Ignite, we announced that publisher verification is now generally available. This capability allows developers to add a verified identity to their app registrations and demonstrate to customers that the app comes from an authentic source. We announced public preview at Build in May, and over 700 app publishers have since added a verified publisher to over 1300 app registrations.


For developers,
publisher verification allows them to distinguish their apps to customers by receiving a “verified” badge that appears on the Azure AD consent prompt.


Admins can also set user consent policies based on if an apps is publisher verified helping streamline adoption. Developers who are building for Microsoft 365 that want to further distinguish their apps can also participate in the Microsoft 365 App Certification program.

User consent updates for unverified publishers

With publisher verification now generally available, we will be making changes that help protect users from app-based attacks. End users will no longer be able to consent to new multi-tenant apps registered after November 8th, 2020 coming from unverified publishers. These apps may be flagged as risky and will be shown as unverified on the consent screen. Apps requesting basic sign-in and permissions to read user profile will not be affected, nor will apps requesting consent in their own tenants.

To prepare for this change if you are an app developer, add a verified publisher to all your multi-tenant app registrations.

General availability of app consent policies


To help admins control what apps their users can consent to, we’re announcing general availability of the new app policies for end user consent. With app consent policies, admins have more controls over the apps and permissions to which users can consent.

Customers can manage settings for user consent by choosing from the following built-in app consent policies in the screenshot below:



Customers can also use Azure AD PowerShell or Microsoft Graph to create custom consent policies for even more control. These policies can include conditions that apply to the app, the publisher, or the permissions the app is requesting. Additionally, custom directory roles now support the permission to grant consent, limited by app consent policies. This can enable scenarios such as delegating the ability to consent only for some permissions, and creating least-privileged automation to manage authorization for apps. 


We recommend that customer set their policy to allow user consent for apps from verified publishers and to configure the admin consent workflow to streamline access for end users who are not allowed to consent.


As always, we'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions you may have. Please let us know what you think in the comments below. For additional best practices to protect your organization from app-based attacks, be sure to check out the resources below: 



Best regards,

Alex Simons (Twitter: @Alex_A_Simons)

Corporate Vice President of Program Management

Microsoft Identity Division


Updated Oct 07, 2020
Version 3.0
  • Michael_Poutre's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Is there a good reason to perform the Publisher verification for Internal Application Registrations that are used for SAML/OIDC?

  • Jason Hartman's avatar
    Jason Hartman
    Brass Contributor

    I tried this new policy recently, just assuming that an app as prominent as iOS Mail would be from a "verified publisher" but my end users were still getting prompts that they needed admin permission to setup their mail account in iOS Mail so I had to turn this off.  


    Is there anywhere to get a list of "verified publishers"?  Or an way to find out if Apple iOS Mail may be added to that list soon?




    Jason Hartman


  • Hello

    Awesome features, would be great to have kind of the same for guest users, i know there is the role of guest inviters role but coupled with guest inviting policies like domain or pre-approved list or already existing in other internal systems that we can request with an API


    Awesome work!

    Congrats to the team!