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Microsoft Entra Blog

New updates to the Azure AD Power BI content pack!

Alex Simons (AZURE)'s avatar
Sep 07, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Jun, 27 2017
Howdy folks, Those of you who follow the blog will remember that in January we announced the integration of Azure Active Directory APIs with Power BI . This integration makes it easy to download pre-built content packs that give you visibility into everything happening in your Azure Active Directory tenant. This content pack has been super popular, and we’ve received a ton of requests for additional views and reports. So I’m happy to let you know that we’ve just added the two views customers requested the most:
  • Device Logins: Get a view of the browsers and operating systems used by your organization. With this view, you can learn about the various device configurations used within your organization and make decisions based on the insights provided. You can also drill into specific details of login activity, including location and device info.
  • SSPR Funnel: The SSPR funnel report shares details of the various stages of the SSPR flow, along with additional information like how many password reset attempts were made and how many were successful. This information can help you with root cause analysis and determining next steps in increasing adoption of the SSPR tool.

Wrapping Up

Take a look at our step-by-step guide to download and set up your content pack. You can also refer to the troubleshooting guide as you get started. We want this pack to be as useful to you as possible, so please continue sharing your feedback with us. We look forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Alex Simons (Twitter: @Alex_A_Simons ) Director of Program Management Microsoft Identity Division
Updated Jul 24, 2020
Version 5.0
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