Blog Post

Microsoft Entra Blog

Introducing the Active Directory Discussion Blog....

Alex Simons (AZURE)'s avatar
Sep 07, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Jun, 09 2006

Hello, all.  This is the first post in what I hope will be a useful blog for the Windows admin community.  In particular, the AD (or directory services in general) admins out there.

I work at one of Microsoft's Global Technical Support Centers providing support for Windows Directory Services every day.  Working at Microsoft in that capacity has allowed me (and my colleagues) to see the common pitfalls as well as the less common, but very difficult scenarios.  We get it all, but we're also more likely to see the more esoteric issues and know how to deal with them.

What I hope to do is post about once a week with a troubleshooting technique or scenario.  Of course if there is a particular question anyone has, please ask.  That's what this blog is for.

Small caveat:  My forte is troubleshooting and fixing problems which are already occuring; that's simply what I deal with most often.  For all other questions all I can say is that I will do my best to get you an answer (even if I pilfer it from a one of our resident brainiacs).

A little about me:  I do technical support for Microsoft customers who use Active Directory.  I've had the pleasure of providing support here at Microsoft for about eight years. In that time I've supported Windows client, worked the beta for Windows Millenium Edition (please look at that as a plus not a minus), worked as a partner technical lead with our outsource partners, been a support engineer, and now work as a support escalation engineer.

In the next few days I will be posting the first *technical* post (this certainly wasn't).  So, come on back.  Let's see if I can help when you do.

Published Sep 07, 2018
Version 1.0
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