Howdy folks,
I’m excited to announce that cloud backup and recovery for the Microsoft Authenticator app on Android is now available. This means Android users can now back up their account credentials to the cloud, and then easily and securely transfer them to a new device when needed.
Try it out!
If you don’t have the Microsoft Authenticator app yet, see Use Microsoft Authenticator with Office 365 for information on how to download and set up the app. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been rolling out the feature and it’s now 100% available for version 6.6.0+. Once you update your app, you can test the new feature out.
Turn on backup
To turn on the Microsoft Authenticator cloud backup, open the app and go to Settings. Under Backup, set the Cloud backup toggle to On.
Once you turn cloud backup on, your data is encrypted and stored with your personal Microsoft account. Your account credentials stay updated when you add, delete, or edit your accounts.
Recovery on a new device
To recover your account credentials on a new device, tap the Begin Recovery button and sign in using the same personal Microsoft account as your previous device.
After you sign in, your OATH verification codes for your third-party accounts and personal Microsoft accounts are available. You also can re-enable push notifications for your personal and work or school Microsoft accounts.
If you have additional questions, check out our Microsoft Authenticator docs.
Test this feature out and let us know what you think! We always love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Best regards,
Alex Simons (@Alex_A_Simons)
Director of Program Management
Microsoft Identity Division
Updated Aug 19, 2021
Version 9.0Alex Simons (AZURE)
Joined May 01, 2017
Microsoft Entra Blog
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