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Microsoft Entra Blog

Azure portal and the new account manager!

Alex Simons (AZURE)'s avatar
Nov 09, 2018

Howdy folks,


Today, I’m happy to share Microsoft’s new account manager with you! The account manager makes it SO much easier for you to use multiple accounts with Microsoft services.


With the new account manager you:


  • Can sign in and out of your Azure Active Directory (AD) account or your Microsoft account.
  • Can view and switch between your remembered accounts. (For this feature to work, your browser must have third-party cookies enabled.)
  • Always have a link in the same place to view or manage your account.

The account manager is now available to everyone on Azure portal. Azure portal users, especially developers, often have many different Azure AD and Microsoft accounts. They frequently need dev, test, and production accounts and in some cases also have their own personal Azure subscriptions as well. So Azure is the perfect first place to launch our account manager and learn from the customers who most need this capability.

The new Microsoft account manager in the Azure portal.

The Azure portal is the first Microsoft site to adopt the account manager. You’ll start to see it appear in many other Microsoft services over the next 6-9 months, including the Azure DevOps and services as well as apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, the Microsoft Store, and more!


We really hope you like using the new account manager and as always, we’d love to receive any feedback or suggestions you have!


Best Regards,

Alex Simons (Twitter: @Alex_A_Simons)

Corporate VP, Program Management

Microsoft Identity Division

Updated Jul 24, 2020
Version 6.0
  • GoBigBlueCats's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    What happened with this feature, still only see it in Azure portal.  With more organizations using M365 and MS Teams this feature would be very helpful. 

  • ms_dba's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Multiple logins work for first Work account, first personal account and failed on second personal account.  The first and second personal accounts were created years apart and are from different domains, yet the new feature reports that I am already logged in when making the second attempt to login using a different account.  When the second personal login fails, the message is that I am already logged in as the first personal login.


  • Greg Biggs's avatar
    Greg Biggs
    Copper Contributor
    This doesn't work for me when Windows Integrated Authentication is enabled. As soon as I type the second credential, I get routed back in with the first.