First published on CloudBlogs on Mar, 14 2018
Howdy folks! Tons of you have already used the Office 365 groups expiration policy in public preview . It allows you to set an expiration timeframe for any Office 365 group. Once that timeframe is set, owners of the group get notification emails reminding them to renew the group if they still need them. Groups not renewed are automatically deleted. Today, I'm excited to announce this feature is now Generally Available! We've listened to your feedback during the public preview and made it even more intuitive for users to decide whether or not to renew a group. The newly redesigned notification emails now provide one-click access to the group content, and also allow the group to be deleted if it's no longer needed.
Howdy folks! Tons of you have already used the Office 365 groups expiration policy in public preview . It allows you to set an expiration timeframe for any Office 365 group. Once that timeframe is set, owners of the group get notification emails reminding them to renew the group if they still need them. Groups not renewed are automatically deleted. Today, I'm excited to announce this feature is now Generally Available! We've listened to your feedback during the public preview and made it even more intuitive for users to decide whether or not to renew a group. The newly redesigned notification emails now provide one-click access to the group content, and also allow the group to be deleted if it's no longer needed.
Getting started
Office 365 groups expiration can be configured from the Azure Active Directory portal, as well as programmatically via Azure Active Directory PowerShell. Learn more about how to configure Office 365 groups expiration .To create a policy for your tenant, simply select Groups from the Azure Active Directory portal, and choose Expiration under 'Settings' , and configure the policy.
Updated Jul 24, 2020
Version 6.0Alex Simons (AZURE)
Joined May 01, 2017
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