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Automated user provisioning for Zscaler now in public preview

Alex Simons (AZURE)'s avatar
Mar 05, 2019

Howdy folks,


With RSA happening this week and security top of mind, I’m excited to announce the public preview of automated user provisioning for Zscaler. This expansion of our partnership with Zscaler enables automated, policy-based provisioning and deprovisioning of user accounts for Zscaler’s single sign-on (SSO) apps across all production clouds.


With both Zscaler and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) supporting the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) 2.0 standard protocol, our joint customers can now use the Azure AD provisioning service to automate the lifecycle of user and group accounts for Zscaler. IT teams can use this SCIM integration to perform a user database sync with the Zscaler security cloud.


Zscaler customers can benefit by:


  • Eliminating manual processes: No more manual and error prone processes to create, update, or disable employee user accounts to Zscaler applications when they join, move within, or leave the company.
  • Increasing timely access: Reduce the time that your employees can get access to Zscaler applications when they join your company.
  • Increased security: Automatically disable user accounts to Zscaler applications in a timely fashion when employees leave the organization.


With the Azure AD automatic provisioning service, you can quickly deploy Zscaler applications throughout your organization and increase adoption while keeping your corporate assets safe. In addition, with always up-to-date user data, you can quickly adapt policy controls in response to changes in user security posture.


How to set up provisioning for your Zscaler application

If your Zscaler application is already integrated with Azure AD SSO, search for the application in Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Apps > All applications.


If you’re adding the application for the first time, select New applications and search for your desired Zscaler application:



Once you’ve added your Zscaler application, you can configure the app for provisioning:



After you configure and test your Zscaler application for provisioning, you can create attribute mappings between Azure AD and the Zscaler application. You’ll be able to view and edit what user attributes flow between Azure AD and the Zscaler application, as well as when user accounts are provisioned or updated.



To learn more about setting up your Zscaler application with the Azure AD automatic provisioning service, review our documentation and visit the Zscaler product page for more details. Let us know what you think in the comments below. As always, we’d love to hear any feedback or suggestions you have.

Best regards,

Alex Simons (@Alex_A_Simons)
Corporate VP of Program Management
Microsoft Identity Division

Updated Jul 24, 2020
Version 7.0
  • Thanks for letting us know about the missing attributes not available for mapping. I will pass this feedback to our Product Group.

  • Raj909's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hi Jeevan, your understanding is correct. We have set the scope to "sync all users and groups" and currently all users and groups within the organization are being synchronized. I have gone through the Zscaler specific tutorial and the scoping filters document already but challenged with certain attributes not available. ie: name Ideally, we would like to synchronize Domain Users for the user mapping and several Security Group wildcards for the group mapping. Looking to see how we can achieve this.
  • If I am understanding this correctly, you would like to scope the provisioning to specific set of users and/or groups in the organization. The best way in this case to do this is setting the scope in the drop down to "All Users and Groups".

    Then use the Mapping section (Users and groups are separate here) to further scope down the source objects based on the conditions you need. Here the condition can be a name or department and you can use the correct operator to match the value.

    This is all explained in this document

    In addition to this please read the Zscaler specific User Provisioning tutorial here

  • Raj909's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    We have created a new enterprise application for ZscalerTwo cloud, SSO is working using SCIM-Based Provisioning. However, we cannot get the Mappings to work to synchronize specific AD user groups and security groups by using scoping filters. We prefer to sync all users and groups instead of only assigned users and groups. AD groups are already displayed within Azure AD, just not within the Zscaler application. Not sure if attribute mappings need to be created as something simple as "name" attribute is not available. Please advise how best to get this working. Thanks
  • pepperonicowboy's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Does this mean that P1 is no longer required to utilize SCIM and directory sync functionality? Since it's now a gallery app.