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In this test, I use Burberry's data to fine-tune Phi3.5-Vision comprehensively. The goal is to enable the fine-tuned model to predict brand, description, category, and price information based on product images.
I ran the code on Azure NC H100 GPU VM.
Base Model capability before SFT
Phi-3-v base model gives wrong answer based on text question "1.what is the price in 6.5? 2.What is the good?" and image.
Phi-3.5-v base model gives wrong answer based on text question "1.what is the price in 6.5? 2.What is the good?" and image.
Data preparation
import os
import pandas as pd
from datasets import load_dataset
import requests
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
# Function to download an image from a URL and save it locally
def download_image(image_url, save_path):
response = requests.get(image_url)
response.raise_for_status() # Check if the request was successful
image =
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to download {image_url}: {e}")
return False
# Download the dataset from Hugging Face
dataset = load_dataset('DBQ/Burberry.Product.prices.United.States')
# Convert the Hugging Face dataset to a Pandas DataFrame
df = dataset['train'].to_pandas()
# Create directories to save the dataset and images
dataset_dir = './data/burberry_dataset'
images_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'images')
os.makedirs(images_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Filter out rows where image download fails
filtered_rows = []
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
image_url = row['imageurl']
image_name = f"{row['product_code']}.jpg"
image_path = os.path.join(images_dir, image_name)
if download_image(image_url, image_path):
row['local_image_path'] = image_path
# Create a new DataFrame with the filtered rows
filtered_df = pd.DataFrame(filtered_rows)
# Save the updated dataset to disk
dataset_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'burberry_dataset.csv')
filtered_df.to_csv(dataset_path, index=False)
print(f"Dataset and images saved to {dataset_dir}")
Training Code
import os
import torch
from import Dataset, DataLoader, random_split
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoProcessor
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image
import torch.optim as optim
import pandas as pd
import random
import wandb
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from torchvision.transforms.functional import resize, to_pil_image
# Initialize Weights & Biases
run = wandb.init(project="davidwei-phi35-v")
# Custom Dataset for Burberry Product Prices and Images
class BurberryProductDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataframe, tokenizer, max_length, image_size):
self.dataframe = dataframe
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.tokenizer.padding_side = 'left'
self.max_length = max_length
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataframe)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
row = self.dataframe.iloc[idx]
text = f"<|user|>\n<|image_1|>What is shown in this image?<|end|><|assistant|>\nProduct: {row['title']}, Category: {row['category3_code']}, Full Price: {row['full_price']}<|end|>"
image_path = row['local_image_path']
# Tokenize text
encodings = self.tokenizer(text, truncation=True, padding='max_length', max_length=self.max_length)
# Load and transform image
image ="RGB")
image = self.image_transform_function(image)
except (FileNotFoundError, IOError):
# Skip the sample if the image is not found
return None
encodings['pixel_values'] = image
encodings['price'] = row['full_price']
return {key: torch.tensor(val) for key, val in encodings.items()}
def image_transform_function(self, image):
image = np.array(image)
return image
# Load dataset from disk
dataset_path = './data/burberry_dataset/burberry_dataset.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path)
# Initialize processor and tokenizer
model_id = "microsoft/Phi-3.5-vision-instruct"
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id, trust_remote_code=True)
tokenizer = processor.tokenizer
# Split dataset into training and validation sets
train_size = int(0.9 * len(df))
val_size = len(df) - train_size
train_indices, val_indices = random_split(range(len(df)), [train_size, val_size])
train_indices = train_indices.indices
val_indices = val_indices.indices
train_df = df.iloc[train_indices]
val_df = df.iloc[val_indices]
# Create dataset and dataloader
train_dataset = BurberryProductDataset(train_df, tokenizer, max_length=512, image_size=128)
val_dataset = BurberryProductDataset(val_df, tokenizer, max_length=512, image_size=128)
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)
val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)
# Initialize model
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, device_map="cuda", trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype="auto")
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Optimizer
optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=5e-5)
# Training loop
num_epochs = 1
eval_interval = 150 # Evaluate every 'eval_interval' steps
loss_scaling_factor = 1000.0 # Variable to scale the loss by a certain amount
save_dir = '/root/phi35v-saved_models'
step = 0
accumulation_steps = 64 # Accumulate gradients over this many steps
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
best_val_loss = float('inf')
best_model_path = None
# Select 10 images from the validation set for logging
num_log_samples = 10
log_indices = random.sample(range(len(val_dataset)), num_log_samples)
def extract_price_from_predictions(predictions, tokenizer):
# Assuming the price is at the end of the text and separated by a space
predicted_text = tokenizer.decode(predictions[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
predicted_price = float(predicted_text.split()[-1].replace(',', ''))
except ValueError:
predicted_price = 0.0
return predicted_price
def evaluate(model, val_loader, device, tokenizer, step, log_indices, max_samples=None, ):
total_loss = 0
total_price_error = 0
log_images = []
log_gt_texts = []
log_pred_texts = []
table = wandb.Table(columns=["Image", "Ground Truth Text", "Predicted Text"])
with torch.no_grad():
for i, batch in enumerate(val_loader):
if max_samples and i >= max_samples:
if batch is None: # Skip if the batch is None
input_ids = batch['input_ids'].to(device)
attention_mask = batch['attention_mask'].to(device)
pixel_values = batch['pixel_values'].to(device)
labels = input_ids.clone().detach()
actual_price = batch['price'].item()
outputs = model(
loss = outputs.loss
total_loss += loss.item()
# Calculate price error
predictions = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1)
predicted_price = extract_price_from_predictions(predictions, tokenizer)
price_error = abs(predicted_price - actual_price)
total_price_error += price_error
# Log images, ground truth texts, and predicted texts
if i in log_indices:
log_gt_texts.append(tokenizer.decode(labels[0], skip_special_tokens=True))
log_pred_texts.append(tokenizer.decode(predictions[0], skip_special_tokens=True))
# Convert image to PIL format
pil_img = to_pil_image(resize(torch.from_numpy(log_images[-1]).permute(2, 0, 1), (336, 336))).convert("RGB")
# Add data to the table
table.add_data(wandb.Image(pil_img), log_gt_texts[-1], log_pred_texts[-1])
# Log the table incrementally
wandb.log({"Evaluation Results step {}".format(step): table, "Step": step})
avg_loss = total_loss / (i + 1) # i+1 to account for the loop index
avg_price_error = total_price_error / (i + 1)
return avg_loss, avg_price_error
for epoch in range(num_epochs): # Number of epochs
total_train_loss = 0
total_train_price_error = 0
batch_count = 0
for batch in train_loader:
step += 1
if batch is None: # Skip if the batch is None
input_ids = batch['input_ids'].to(device)
attention_mask = batch['attention_mask'].to(device)
pixel_values = batch['pixel_values'].to(device)
labels = input_ids.clone().detach()
actual_price = batch['price'].float().to(device)
outputs = model(
loss = outputs.loss
total_loss = loss
predictions = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1)
predicted_price = extract_price_from_predictions(predictions, tokenizer)
if (step % accumulation_steps) == 0:
for param in model.parameters():
if param.grad is not None:
param.grad /= accumulation_steps
total_train_loss += total_loss.item()
total_train_price_error += abs(predicted_price - actual_price.item())
batch_count += 1
# Log batch loss to wandb
wandb.log({"Batch Loss": total_loss.item(), "Step": step})
print(f"Epoch: {epoch}, Step: {step}, Batch Loss: {total_loss.item()}")
if step % eval_interval == 0:
val_loss, val_price_error = evaluate(model, val_loader, device, tokenizer=tokenizer, log_indices=log_indices, step=step )
"Validation Loss": val_loss,
"Validation Price Error (Average)": val_price_error,
"Step": step
print(f"Step: {step}, Validation Loss: {val_loss}, Validation Price Error (Normalized): {val_price_error}")
# Save the best model
if val_loss < best_val_loss:
best_val_loss = val_loss
best_model_path = os.path.join(save_dir, f"best_model")
model.save_pretrained(best_model_path, safe_serialization=False)
avg_train_loss = total_train_loss / batch_count
avg_train_price_error = total_train_price_error / batch_count
"Epoch": epoch,
"Average Training Loss": avg_train_loss,
"Average Training Price Error": avg_train_price_error
print(f"Epoch: {epoch}, Average Training Loss: {avg_train_loss}, Average Training Price Error: {avg_train_price_error}")
if best_model_path:
Get related files:
cd /root/phi35v-saved_models/best_model
Inference Code
import os
import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoProcessor
from PIL import Image
import requests
from io import BytesIO
import base64
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import display, Image as IPythonImage, HTML
# 定义模型存储的本地目录
artifact_dir = '/root/phi35v-saved_models/best_model' # 请将此路径替换为您实际的模型目录
# 加载模型和处理器
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(artifact_dir, trust_remote_code=True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading model or processor: {e}")
# 确保模型在正确的设备上
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# 将图像转换为 data URL 的函数
'.jpg': 'image/jpeg',
'.jpeg': 'image/jpeg',
'.png': 'image/png',
'.svg': 'image/svg+xml'
def image_to_data_url(image: Image.Image, ext: str) -> str:
ext = ext.lower()
if ext not in EXT_TO_MIMETYPE:
ext = '.jpg' # 如果未知扩展名,默认使用 .jpg
mimetype = EXT_TO_MIMETYPE[ext]
buffered = BytesIO()
image_format = 'JPEG' if ext in ['.jpg', '.jpeg'] else ext.replace('.', '').upper(), format=image_format)
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
data_url = f"data:{mimetype};base64,{encoded_string}"
return data_url
# 对单张图像进行推理的函数
def run_inference(image_path_or_url: str) -> dict:
prompt = "<|user|>\n<|image_1|>1.what is the price in 8? 2.What is the good?<|end|><|assistant|>\n"
# 检查输入是 URL 还是本地文件路径
if image_path_or_url.startswith("http://") or image_path_or_url.startswith("https://"):
# 从 URL 加载图像
image =, stream=True).raw).convert('RGB')
ext = Path(image_path_or_url).suffix
# 从本地文件路径加载图像
image ='RGB')
ext = Path(image_path_or_url).suffix
# 将图像转换为 data URL
data_url = image_to_data_url(image, ext)
inputs = processor(prompt, images=[image], return_tensors="pt").to(device)
generation_args = {
"max_new_tokens": 500,
"do_sample": False
generate_ids = model.generate(**inputs, eos_token_id=processor.tokenizer.eos_token_id, **generation_args)
# 去除输入的 tokens
generate_ids = generate_ids[:, inputs['input_ids'].shape[1]:]
response_text = processor.batch_decode(generate_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)[0]
return {
"predicted_text": response_text,
"image_data_url": data_url
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error during inference: {e}")
# 示例使用
# 对于本地图像
image_path_or_url = "/home/david/5.jpg"
# 或者,对于 URL 图像
# image_path_or_url = ""
result = run_inference(image_path_or_url)
print("Predicted Text:", result['predicted_text'])
# 使用结果中的 data URL 显示图像
display(HTML(f'<img src="{result["image_data_url"]}" alt="Image" />'))
# 或者,根据图像路径类型显示图像
if image_path_or_url.startswith("http://") or image_path_or_url.startswith("https://"):
# 对于 URL
response = requests.get(image_path_or_url)
image_data = response.content
# 对于本地文件路径
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error running inference: {e}")
Training Steps
Original training data URL:
After processing the original training data with the code, a CSV file and a directory containing product images will be generated locally on the Azure GPU VM:
Here is a preview of the CSV file contents:
Here is a sample image from the images directory:
Inference validation
Since the training data consists entirely of Burberry items, the model's predictions for Burberry products are highly accurate. I won't elaborate on this further. I tried using an image of Nike shoes for prediction. If only the shoe image is provided, the model can correctly identify the brand and features but not the price. However, if the e-commerce image information is provided, it can accurately describe the item.
prompt = "<|user|>\n<|image_1|>1.what is the price in 6.5? 2.What is the good?<|end|><|assistant|>\n"
image_path_or_url = "/root/5.jpg"
Inference Results:
Predicted Text: 1. The price for size 6.5 is $115.00. 2. The good is Nike Dunk Low DD1503-101 Women's White Black Leather Sneaker Shoes Size 9 PRO43.
You can see that I specifically asked for the price of the product of size 6.5 in the prompt. The response was quite accurate. This scenario is particularly suitable for e-commerce quality inspectors performing edge inference detection.
Do more complex test:
Prompt: 1.what are the prices in 6.5, 7.5, 8? 2.What is the good?<|end|><|assistant|>\n"
Reference Link:
Published Jan 16, 2025
Version 1.0xinyuwei
Joined January 12, 2023
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