Welcome to the “Director’s cut” of the 2022 Windows Server Summit. I am going through and posting each of the sessions (and my comments) that were part of the event that took place December 6th, 2022.
Now we're into some meat and potatoes kinda stuff with Sonia and Orin taking you on a whirlwind tour of how to modernize you Windows File Server. Things they cover include: Migrating file shares with Storage Migration Service, Securing your server with Connection Security Rules and how to keep things orderly by implementing File screens.
They've got demos, some practical advice and a tip of the hat to some things you might have forgotten are possible on Windows File Servers. This is a mini breakout session that keeps you engaged for the full 16 minutes. Click on the video below to start your File Server modernization journey.
- Sonia Cuff, Principal Cloud Advocate Team Lead
- Orin Thomas, Principal Cloud Advocate
- What's New With Windows Server 2022 (Grab an Azure Edition ISO) https://aka.ms/ws2022WhatsNew
- Learn more: try Windows Server 2022 and Windows Server on Azure https://aka.ms/WS2022Azure
- Licensing Changes with Azure Hybrid Benefit https://aka.ms/WSSAHB
- Information on Extended Security Updates (ESUs) https://aka.ms/WS2012EOS
- Invest in your skills with the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate https://aka.ms/wshybridCert
To watch more sessions from the 4th annual Windows Server Summit – check out the playlist https://aka.ms/WSS2022Playlist
Updated Apr 15, 2023
Version 1.0Rick Claus
Joined September 07, 2016
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