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Windows Server Summit 2022: Keynote Kickoff with Roanne Sones

Rick Claus's avatar
Rick Claus
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Apr 17, 2023

Welcome to the “Director’s cut” of the 2022 Windows Server Summit.  I am going through and posting each of the sessions (and my comments) that were part of the event that took place December 6th, 2022.


This is the kick off video that was a modified approach to a keynote that I did with Roanne Sones, Corporate VP of Azure Edge + Platform. We decided to go a more informal route and make it more conversational instead of a pre-recorded prompter type keynote you've seen far too many times before. We discuss what's top of mind for customers, how Windows Server is being used, and how Microsoft can help with modernization and innovation.


It was a fun chat! Don't take my word for it - click on the video below to watch the 12 minute video and see for yourself. 




  • Roanne Sones – CVP Azure Edge & Platform
  • Rick Claus – Principal Cloud Advocate Team Lead




To watch more sessions from the 4th annual Windows Server Summit – check out the playlist

Updated Apr 15, 2023
Version 1.0