Security has been identified as a key barrier to cloud IoT market adoption. Microsoft has closely partnered with leading microcontroller manufacturers to address this concern with a comprehensive security platform targeting microcontroller-based devices (MCUs).
“Developers of IoT devices face intense pressure to meet time-to-market constraints at the same time as satisfying the highest-level security-industry standards,” said Daniel Colonna, Marketing Director, Microcontroller Division, STMicroelectronics. “Our solution accelerates embedded development by increasing security as well as power efficiency and performance.”
Securely Connect to Azure IoT Cloud Services
Microsoft and STMicroelectronics have jointly developed a security platform to enable ST’s ultra-low-power STM32U5 microcontrollers (MCUs) to connect securely to Azure IoT cloud services.
The solution uses the STM32U5’s state-of-the-art security hardware, Arm TrustZone® with Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M), and the STSAFE-A110 Secure Element. The platform is powered by Microsoft Azure RTOS and Azure IoT Middleware, leveraging services including Microsoft Defender for IoT, Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service, and Device Update for IoT Hub.
Our collaboration with STMicroelectronics is effective and timely, enabling developer communities to meet widespread market demands for smart, connected solutions that are trusted, robust, and efficient.
Microsoft and STMicroelectronics have built an industry certified security platform to provide a more accessible solution for the device builder and their applications. We've optimized the getting started experience for developers to focus on connecting MCU-based devices to the cloud—connecting the B-U585I-IOT02A Discovery Kit to a custom IoT Central application requires no code, just running a simple script that handles connectivity and security with a few simple user inputs.
Connect Quickly and Easily
Connecting to the cloud with an IoT device has been made easier than ever with the “STM32U5 Azure Quick Connect”. This getting started guide is the fastest way to get the B-U585I-IOT02A Discovery Kit up and running with Azure IoT Central and IoT Plug and Play. This demonstration reduces software requirements, configuration steps, and start-up time to show how easy it is to leverage IoT solutions with STM32 microcontrollers and Azure IoT.
While this initial experience is designed to easily show the combined power of the STM32U5 microcontroller with Azure cloud services, we've also focused on the specific needs for MCU developers with detailed technical documentation, API references, and simple, well-commented open-source libraries (Azure RTOS and Azure IoT SDKs). Both inexperienced IoT customers and those with deep industrial MCU embedded experience will find what they need to develop secure Azure IoT-connected solutions. You can quickly see real results with the “STM32U5 Azure Secure Quick Connect” experience, then access the technical details linked from within. To learn more, see documentation for Azure RTOS and Azure IoT Central.
Industry Certified Platform
Microsoft and STMicroelectronics are investing in comprehensive security solutions for devices. This is the first Azure IoT cloud solution based on the STM32U5 general-purpose MCU, featuring an ARM® Cortex-M33 TrustZone® core with advanced cryptographic hardware, physical attack resistance and includes the STSAFE-A110 secure element enabling identity management. Azure Security Services enable best-in-class security with Microsoft Defender for IoT, Device Update for IoT Hub, and Device Provisioning Service with X.509 integration.
The STM32U5 microcontroller & TF-M (Trusted Firmware for Cortex-M) have been independently certified to ARM PSA Level 3 and SESIP Level 3. Additionally, the STSAFE hardware has been certified to Common criteria EAL 5+. To learn more about STMicroelectronics’ strategy on security, see the STM32Trust website.
Furthermore, Microsoft’s Azure RTOS (ThreadX) has been independently certified to ARM PSA Level 1. Microsoft and ARM collaborated on a document titled “Essential Properties of Secure Connected Devices” to illustrate the common objectives of the PSA Certified 10 Security Goals and Microsoft’s Seven Properties of Highly Secured Devices.
Get Started Today
This development platform is available today globally. Customers can start with the STM32U5 Discovery Kit for IoT Node and download the XCUBE-AZURE package from STMicroelectronics. For more information on Microsoft’s guidelines for secure embedded development, see Develop secure embedded applications with Azure RTOS or visit
Updated Jun 21, 2022
Version 3.0jensg
Joined June 14, 2022
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