As we wrap up the first full week of #JulyOT 2022, here's a round up of all the IoT content we've shared so far. Check back here every week for a weekly roundup, or catch the new content every week day in July at
Beginners, makers and students
We opened JulyOT with IoT for Beginners, a free 24 lesson IoT curriculum.
We also hosted live streams of the first 2 lessons.
Catch the next 2 lessons over the next 2 weeks.
As a way to use your new-found IoT skills, we shared a cool project you can build with AI services and a Raspberry Pi! A closed captioning tool.
Embedded IoT
Our embedded track this year covers a range of topics!
If you are a .NET developer, then nanoFramework is for you! Write embedded code using .NET and run it on a microcontroller. We shared a getting started guide, and an overview of IO support.
If you are a fan of retro computing, what can be better than the Altair 8800, the computer that sparked the personal computing revolution. Especially when you can build your own...
For those who want to build IoT applications with blocks instead of code, we also have a post covering using PnPFlow with M5Stack devices.
AI at the edge
We have a selection of TinyML content for AI at the edge. First up is a live stream showing how to use TinyML to recognize bears with Edge Impulse and their object detection model FOMO!
We also highlighted this months challenge from Edge Impulse to build and share an object detection model.
Learning and certifications
Want to become a subject matter in the IoT Domain? Take the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge - skill yourself up in 31 days and complete the Cloud Skills Challenge.
Join us next week!
Check back at the IoT Tech Community each week for more #JulyOT round ups, or catch the action every day at
Updated Jul 08, 2022
Version 1.0Jim Bennett
Joined January 24, 2018
Internet of Things Blog
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