Welcome back after the holiday break! Together, let's make 2021 our best IoT year yet!
If you are still trying to decide on your New Year's resolutions, consider the options below. Pick one or more and make it happen!
- Learn something new about IoT:
- Experiment with an Azure IoT service that you haven't used before by completing a MS Learn IoT Learning Path or Module
- Connect a new device
- Learn by example with IoT Code Samples
- Complete the "30 Days to Learn It - Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge for Azure IoT Developers" for 50% off your Microsoft Certification exam
- Explore Azure IoT samples on GitHub
- Keep up with new IoT updates:
- Subscribe to the Microsoft IoT Developers channel on YouTube and watch a new video at least once a __________ (week/month)
- Join the IoT Tech Community within the Microsoft Tech Community to see new blogs and conversations
- Subscribe to the Azure Internet of Things blog for official updates
- Create a new IoT Practice in your company with the help of the Microsoft IoT Playbook for partners
- Turn your amazing IoT idea into a project for your own learning, new business venture, or industry solution
- Reach more customers by adding your IoT solution to the Azure Marketplace
- Share what you know about IoT with your local user group, youth organization, and/or school
The New Year is a perfect opportunity to re-focus. Hopefully, one or more of these resolutions caught your eye. Now that you have your goals in mind, take a few minutes to make your plan. Add a placeholder to your calendar to make time or add a To Do list task as a reminder. Remember that small changes can bring big rewards if you commit. Consistency and follow-through are key.
Best of luck to you in this new year! I'd love to hear whether you found this list helpful, if you plan to do any of these items, or if you already had some of these on your own list.
Did I miss anything noteworthy? Do you have other IoT-related resolutions that you want to share?
Updated Jan 09, 2021
Version 2.0DianaPhillips
Joined July 15, 2016
Internet of Things Blog
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