Issue: Unable to configure and use On-Premise data gateway when user is having personal account (** etc) or work/school account belongs to multiple tenants by design.
Workaround: We can follow the below steps to install, configure and create on-premise data gateway on on-premise as well as on Azure with below steps.
Creating user in Azure AD tenant:
- Create new user in the destined Azure Active directory. You can refer this doc CreateNewUser .
- Provide contributor access at subscription or Resource Group (where you want to create the Azure data gateway) level
- Sign-out from the portal and sign-in with new user created above . It will ask you to change password, update the password and check if you are able to login to portal.
Install and Configure On-Premise data gateway on On-Premise machine:
- Now, you can download and install the on-premise data gateway on your On-Premise machine. You can refer to the link for downloading and installing gateway logic-apps-gateway-install .
- Once the gateway is successfully installed, it pops up for the sign-in to configure the gateway.
- Use the new user created in the Azure Active directory to sign-in and configure gateway. Follow the steps mentioned n above link. install-data-gateway
Verify Gateway Cluster in Power Platform center:
- You can verify whether the gateway clustered configured is available in the power platform portal (log in with new Azure AD user) Manage DataGateways.
- You need to select region in which you configured gateway in portal, option is available on the top right side.
Creating On-Premise data gateway in Azure:
- Sign-in to azure portal with new Azure AD user used to configure the data gateway on on-premise machine
- Create new Azure On-Premise data gateway resource in respective resource group where user has access. you can follow this doc on how to create azure On-premise data gateway resource. Create-azure-gateway-resource
- This can be an extra effort for managing the new user we created in Azure AD tenant.
Updated Apr 07, 2021
Version 3.0VeeraReddy
Iron Contributor
Joined June 07, 2020
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