After we published a sample workbook for organizing the Logic Apps events emitted to Application Insight in this blog post, we received feedback from multiple customers to have the ability to select and resubmit multiple runs from this workbook.
We worked with the Azure Monitor team to have the ability to select multiple rows and perform an ARM action iteratively on the selected rows. The Azure Monitor team recently released this feature and with that we are publishing a new sample workbook that enables you to select multiple runs for resubmission.
Please note that this workbook only works with Application Insight V2 integration and enabling V2 integration requires you updating the host.json file as described here.
Deploying Workbook Template.
The sample template is published here, and we can deploy this workbook template from the azure portal following the instruction from this blog post.
Mapping Logic App to Workbook
Once deployed, you can follow the steps described in the previous blogpost to associate your application insight and the logic app to the workbook template.
Viewing a Run using monitoring view
You can click on the view link to bring-up your familiar workflow monitoring view
And you can use the Resubmit link to resubmit a single run.
Resubmitting Multiple Runs
When you select multiple runs, you would see the new button named “Resubmit Selected Runs” at the bottom of the runs table and you can use this to resubmit all selected runs.
This will bring-up the following context view that you can use to verify the run ids before they are resubmitted.
Published Apr 24, 2024
Version 1.0RohithaH
Joined October 18, 2020
Azure Integration Services Blog
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