ChrisAtMaf JGrote Petri-X ians-uleth chriswest-jnctn We acknowledge the inconsistencies across our PowerShell offering. Our platform has gone through significant changes, all aimed at offering more to our customers. With the advent of MS graph, we have invested more in customer experience. Currently, there is an ongoing effort to migrate the missing cmdlets and functionality in MSOL and AAD onto the MS graph PowerShell Module. For AzAD cmdlets they will be updated to work with MS Graph API. AAD will continue to be around for at least two more years, but with no more upgrades, i.e., to PowerShell 7, as the focus will be the Ms graph module. We are working on migration documentation that maps cmdlets in MSOL and AAD against the MS graph module to assist in migration. We will also introduce tools that will help in the migration, and we will communicate in a follow-up blog post soon.