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HLS Modern Workplace Talk – File Share Migration to Office 365

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Jul 16, 2019

As organizations move to the cloud a logical step in the move is the migration of content from organization file shares up to Office 365 services such as SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, and Teams. However, in preparing to migrate content there is usually a recognition that the shares are a mess and that a simple lift and shift approach may not be the best option.

Recently I had the conundrum of file share migration posted to me on Twitter. A Twitter follower posted the following to me:

"@gannotti I'm migrating the staff share to SharePoint o365, the current structure of the shared drive is that each department has their own folder, in SharePoint documents would you recommend using a single library or would you recommend creating a library for each department?

   We are talking about a mile deep of folders with pretty complex permission structure, I'm trying to implement more use of search and tagging rather than too many folders but, it's literally getting people to unlearn everything they have ever done with computers

Thanks :)"

In this edition of HLS Modern Workplace Talk I address:

  • The Challenge
  • Food for Thought
    • All file share folders are not the same
      • Personal
      • Group/Team share
      • Application/Records
    • File shares are dumping grounds for stale content
    • Unnecessary replication of files/Hard to find
    • Migration time is THE time to address issues manifested in file shares
  • My Take
    • Make it manual…for the most part
    • Educate and publicize timelines (countdown reminders)
    • Get a Hammer


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Michael Gannotti

Updated Jul 16, 2019
Version 1.0
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