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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

Getting started with the Dataverse Healthcare API

MatthewAnderson's avatar
Jan 11, 2023

Customers have been excited about some of the recent healthcare-focused product updates. These allow customers to get farther, faster, when leveraging the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare platform.


In 2022, the business applications tools, which already aligned to the FHIR data model, introduced Dataverse Healthcare (FHIR) APIs, enabling integration using FHIR bundles. This means that healthcare customers who leverage FHIR for interoperability can experience quicker time-to-value when using Dynamics 365 CRM apps and custom business applications in Power Apps.


As customers get started, there are a couple of areas where they have brought me questions:

  • What do I have to initially set up so that I can use the API?
  • Is there a lightweight way I can test the API using resources with limited FHIR or integration experience?


Show me the video

I’ve recorded a short video, which covers:

  • Set up permissions
    • Create Azure App Registration
    • Apply Dataverse security roles
  • Enable mappings
    • Toggle resource mapping templates
  • Use the API
    • Create a Power Automate flow to write to the API
    • Create a Power Automate flow to read from the API


During the video, I referenced a sample FHIR bundle:


Additional resources

To use the Healthcare APIs, you’ll need to have a Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare license (or trial).  You can find more information here: Sign up for a free limited trial of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare | Microsoft Learn Update 2/9/2023: we have a video overview of starting a trial available here: Cloud For Healthcare Trial - licensed components for Power Platform & Dynamics 365 Apps - Microsoft Community Hub


The complete documentation for configuring the Dataverse Healthcare APIs can be found on Microsoft Learn: Configure Dataverse Healthcare APIs | Microsoft Learn


There are Logic Apps resources available for use with Azure Health Data Services (FHIR Service) and the Dataverse Healthcare APIs. Find the details and links to deployment templates here: Use Dataverse Healthcare APIs with Azure Logic Apps | Microsoft Learn


This post is focused on adding data into Dataverse directly. Did you know that you can access some healthcare data through Dataverse, even if it lives in another data repository? Find out more information here: Configure virtual health data tables | Microsoft Learn

Updated Feb 09, 2023
Version 2.0
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