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Configuring an Integrated User Training and Support Solution for Microsoft 365 and Beyond

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Jul 09, 2019

Supporting and training end users on Microsoft 365 services and software is a priority for organizations rolling out Office 365, Windows 10, and more. But how to go about the getting content, setting up a mechanism for delivery, and supporting users in an ongoing basis presents a challenge for many organizations. Thankfully with Microsoft 365 orgs have everything they need to deliver a robust, extensible, solution for training and supporting users in an ongoing fashion.

In this two-part webcast series, I walk through, step by step, standing up foundational services and then integrating them in to an integrated, extensible, training and support solution for corporate end users. I addition to the two video recordings I have also uploaded the slide decks for each session as well as a Step by Step document detailing each step in building out, and integrating, the services in to a seamless experience for end users.

Slides and Documentation (On LinkedIn Point Drive):

Sessions 1 and 2 Agendas:

Session 1

  • Introductions/Kickoff/Webcast Housekeeping
  • The Challenge – Supporting/educating end users while familiarizing IT with possibilities for integrated, no code, solution creation using Microsoft 365 services and solutions.
  • The Solution – Overview of the end to end solution to be created for users and content owners/creators alike.
  • Introduction to, and provision, the (beta preview) Learning Pathways site as baseline for the end to end adoption solution.
  • Create Microsoft Stream Group and corresponding Group secured Channel as well as an open Channel. Review use of two channel concept for review and release to users workflow.
  • Create a Yammer discussion group.
  • Create a Microsoft Team based off of Stream Group
  • Quick review of video content creation using PowerPoint Recording and Windows 10 Video Editor.
  • Wrap Up – Review actions taken and set up Session 2 where the solutions will be integrated together. Recommend populating Stream Channels with some sample content.

Session 2

  • Quick review of challenges/solution and actions taken the previous day.
  • Cover customizing and extending the Learning Pathways solution (beta preview).
  • Add an Event for a brown bag session
  • Integrate the open Stream Channel into the Learning Pathway (beta preview).
  • Set up a Live Events webcast event and integrate into the Learning Pathway (beta preview).
  • Integrate Yammer discussion group in to the Learning Pathway site.
  • Build out the Microsoft Team to accommodate content creation team and content production/review/publishing.
  • Open Q&A
  • Wrap Up/Next Steps – Review all of what has been done, resources available to assist, and next steps.

Video: Driving Adoption with Microsoft 365 Integrated Services – Session 1


Driving Adoption with Microsoft 365 Integrated Services – Session 2



Thanks for visiting – Michael Gannotti  Instagram | IGTV | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook  

Michael Gannotti

Updated Sep 12, 2019
Version 4.0
  • Hi Sam Gray 

    As I have not spoken directly to the developers not sure. My guess is that in an effort maintain standard pages that are configured vs developed and consistently re-used it is simply the matter of the content for a page with little content vs one with more (they are using the single webpart that is dynamically pulling available content based on attributes for a view). There is documentation around customizing the solution if desired. Last thing is that it is also still beta so suitable for POC and testing and may be updated for General Availability. 

  • Sam Gray's avatar
    Sam Gray
    Brass Contributor
    Hi Mike, Great session! I have been able to provision the learning pathway site following this. However have noted that below the learning content there seems to be an enormous amount of white space create. Is there a reason for this? Is there a way we can avoid it? Thanks Sam
  • Hi Mark Barrett 

    Thanks for the kind words. Glad you found it helpful and we look forward to continuing to to help with user training and adoption. :-) If there are other areas you have interest around please let us know. 


  • Mark Barrett's avatar
    Mark Barrett
    Copper Contributor

    This was a great session and it's nice to see Microsoft continuing to help customers with education and training for their users!