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Exchange Team Blog

Want to learn more about Office and Outlook 12? Come on in!

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
Jan 20, 2006

While this is not directly Exchange product related, I wanted to point you in the general direction of several awesome Office 12 / Outlook 12 resources. While we are busy working on Exchange 12, the Office team is busy working on Office 12, which is aiming to really change how we look at Office applications! As someone that does not turn off Outlook ever, I am very excited about it all taking shape.


Here are some places where you can learn more:


The official Microsoft Office 12 web site.


Jensen Harris: An Office User Interface Blog – Jensen is a Lead Program Manager on the Office team. If you saw the web site above and are wondering how come there are so many Office User interface (UI) changes – then you might want to check this out too. Jensen also lists some additional awesome Outlook blogs some of which are listed below.


Outlook 12 blog – written by William Kennedy, a General Manager of Outlook. This blog covers overall improvements and the philosophy of Outlook 12.


search.subscribe.share – written by Michael Affronti who is an Outlook Program Manager – Michael covers two main topics in depth in his blog - RSS integration and the new search capabilities of Outlook 12.


Tasks and Time Management in Outlook – written by Melissa MacBeth who is a Program Manager on Office team. Melissa has written in detail about Time and Task Management in Outlook 12, especially about the redesigned task and categories model and the To-Do Bar.


Hope you find this interesting. We are excited to dogfood Office 12 now and excited about the new functionality that Office 12 and Exchange 12 bring!

- Nino Bilic

Published Jan 20, 2006
Version 1.0
  • Can the function signature level documentation for Exchange 2003 SDK be upgraded to include a) Enumeration of return codes and b) Sample code?

    A simple linking of the API function HrESEBackupPrepare() with the "Exstensible Storage Engine 98 Error Codes" document
    would greatly help.

    Is this too much to ask considering that the Exchange Backup/Restore API has had a function signature only documentation format for 5+ years?

    At some point, an API like this one or even a more widely used one like SQL Server DMO/SMO will need much better quality docmention to be useful.

    Lastly, any chance of a .NET compatabile class library for the Exchange Backup/Restore API?
  • Where can we learn more about the Exchange 12 voice features?  We are system resellers of IP-PBXs and want to learn more!
  • Neil,

    Rest assured, we will be blogging about this, we are just not quite ready yet!