From my Point of View the impact of this is huge. In my little world almost every 3rd Party ExO solution I can think of uses these EWS permissions.
When it comes to the EWS API itself (which will still be there but you cant register the app) and the ability to just replace it with graph API is just not true.
We believed in graphAPI as a replacement for EWS in 2018 and ended up with a lot of issues which - to my knowledge - are still not sorted. EWS is complete. graphAPI is not when it comes to a full featured Exchange API.
So, when you depend on streaming subscriptions and full featured object handling (create, update, delete notes, contacts, appointments, stickynotes and folders, etc)
you end up with a mixture of graphAPI and Outlook REST API and still miss features. This can all be true because of my limited knowledge, so if anyone at MS is reading this:
a real migration guide which EWS feature can be (fully) replaced with which graphAPI feature and how to do it with samples and stuff would be incredibly great.
Also a clear statement what’s just not available atm. Or take the easy way and just drop the idea of deprecating the EWS APP registration.