We have an Exchange 2007 infrastructure that supports users in multiple time zones. All the CAS servers are set to Pacific Time. We've granted a number of users in Eastern Time read access to a series of resource mailboxes, and another set of users full access to those same resource mailboxes. The resource mailboxes have all had their regional settings set to Eastern Time. The users with full access can open these calendars in OWA and they are displayed with the correct (Eastern) time zone. When the same calendars are opened in OWA by the users with only read access, the calendars are displayed in Pacific Time (the time zone of the CAS servers).
Are these users with only read access somehow being blocked from reading the resource mailboxes' regional settings? If so, is there a way to grant them access to the regional settings without granting full access to the mailbox? If not, what else might be causing this problem?