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Exchange Team Blog

TechNet Gallery retirement and Exchange Team contributions

Nino_Bilic's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
May 19, 2020

You might (or might not) be aware that the TechNet Gallery site is going to be retired soon (currently planned for June 2020).

Over the years, we (on this blog) have published many different script samples and post related files there. We would then link to the Gallery page to download the actual script or file referred to in a blog post.

Now that the site is going to go away, we have done the work of going back through all of our contributions to the Gallery site and – if those contributions are still relevant and current, we added them to their respective blog posts as attachments (and modified the posts to say so).

I wanted to mention this because over the years, various sites and pages might have linked directly to our (and other) Gallery contributions. For contributions mentioned in our blog posts, you will now find those attached to their respective blog posts (typically, the first blog post where we announced particular script or file). A great example can be seen here.

Another reason for mentioning this is so if you rely on TechNet Gallery file hosting for your scripts, or you use code from there, you should reach out to script/code owners and ask them where they will migrate the content after the site is decommissioned.

If you see any issues with files we have published as part of our blog posts, comment here! (Unless it is about those 4 Exchange 2003 VBS scripts which I decided to simply leave behind...)

Nino Bilic

Updated Jun 22, 2020
Version 2.0
  • Fabian Bader's avatar
    Fabian Bader
    Brass Contributor

    Nino_Bilic as you mentioned GitHub yourself, wouldn't this be also a good place?
    It would make it super easy to get all the attachments and scripts with just one 

    git pull

    But even if not, thanks for the effort to keep everything up and running. The new blog is great! 

  • Satyajit321 I have to say that I am not up to speed on all of the Microsoft community / forum / wiki strategy but - that is my understanding; that specifically Office / Microsoft 365 technologies are converging to Tech Community. I am not aware of any migration plans from Social to anywhere else, that's not to say it might not exist somewhere. What happened here is that as the owner of "EHLO" content on TechNet Gallery, I had to do the job to migrate our blog related content and I know folks use other stuff too, so I wanted to mention it. Even though it is not really anything that we in Exchange control (the moves, retirements of those platforms etc.)

  • Satyajit321's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    This is sad, but part of the ever changing world. 

    @Nino Bilic and I would suppose the Social.technet would be retiring as well.


    What about the flairs and achievements collected so far. Need to earn them again?

    What about the wiki articles, do they stay, migrate or those needs to be moved by the owners as well.


    Would it be right to say the new forum or profile to manage would be in 

    Scripts to Github

    Blogs in social media