@Justin.G11 - Just to add to what Bharat said, I somewhat agree with what you say. Most of my customers don't need the archive mailbox. Most of them can get by with just throwing large mailboxes at their users. In fact, this is what Microsoft is implementing internally. Only people in our "dogfood" environment have archive mailboxes.
BUT, the archive mailbox does have some interesting usage scenarios. I start talking to customers about not having the archive mailbox. As I said, I always start with the more simple scenario, and the archive mailbox is an added complexity. Only when the customer requirements lead us to adding the complexity of the archive mailbox do we add that capability to the discussions.
It is quite possible that your customers will never bring you a scenario where you need to consider the archive mailbox. ;-) I work with some customers that regularly have mailboxes well over 25GB in size, and when those users are mobile (think laptops), the archive mailbox really starts to make sense.