We are interested in working with Exchange 2016 customers or partners to help us validate Exchange hybrid scenarios using Microsoft Graph. This will be a self-paced development project where your developers will scope and get technical help to unblock Graph API issues from the product team. In order to participate, you will need to join the Exchange TAP program. Here is a mini FAQ about this program:
What are the technical requirements?
To develop and validate an Exchange hybrid solution, you will need to have Exchange 2016 CU3 or later deployed with your on-premises Active Directory synced with Azure AD. To learn more about the hybrid deployment: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2016/BRK3045
How many developers will I need?
Expect to have 1 maybe 2 developers to scope and develop a Microsoft Graph solution.
Do I need to have an existing Exchange Web Services solution?
It would be a nice-to-have but we do not require it. We’re more interested in finding customers who want to support hybrid Exchange 2016 deployments and validating the benefits that the Microsoft Graph provides.
What is the timeframe for this?
We are planning to start this project in January 2017 and look to finish before the summer of 2017.
Do we have to travel to Redmond?
No. The tech is already in Preview and available to use from any dev laptop with internet access.
Why are you offering this?
We find collaborating directly with our customers and partners help us to make improvements to the Microsoft Graph to support deeper and broader customer needs. We hope to add what we learn to our product roadmap.
If you are interested in applying for this program, then please send an email to exchangehybridgraph@service.microsoft.com and include the following information:
- Who will be the primary lead for this project?
- Company:
- First, Last Name:
- Business Title:
- Work e-mail:
- Work phone:
- Is your company enrolled in the Exchange TAP?
- What hybrid scenario do you envision working on?
- Describe how you would like to technically solve it?
- Have you or your team tried to solve this hybrid scenario using Exchange Web Services? How did it go?
- Have you or your team programmatically used the Microsoft Graph? Please describe a project if you have built one.
- Please tell us about your development team that will work on this project.
Microsoft Outlook Team