Can Bob, NSA, Tim, and all the others just please shut up about the NSA. People are trying to ask legitimate questions here and you are causing the feedback to be a mess. Look, the Exchange team is fearful of their lives to get the wrath of the NSA down
on them and I would be too. They are under legal agreements that they cannot tell us the details of how the NSA scoops up all the user data from Office 365 and from a legal perspective, the NSA is holding all the cards. You're not going to get the Office 365
team to acknowledge the problem let alone tell you you it is a secure platform. It's not. It can't be. The US government prevents Office 365 from being secure. Okay? Enough now. If you have SEC and other requirements DO NOT go to Office 365, but you already
know that. What more could they possibly tell you that would make things all better? It's the cloud and it's impossible for Office 365 to be responsible for what the government does behind their backs. This is about the MEC coming up. Let's stick to that topic,