Hello techresolve!
We currently use dynamic distribution groups (DDGs) as base for JournalingRules.
The DDGs members are collected based on recipient filter which is based on AD-attributes (native or extensionattributes possible).
Furthermore, in Hybrid scenarios the DDG should be configured that it only contains UserMailboxes (not MailUsers/RemoteMailboxes), in each System (ExchangeOnpremises and ExchangeOnline).
This would also avoid duplicate journaling.
Example DDG:
Get-DynamicDistributionGroup <Name of DDG> | fl recipientfilter,name,prim*
RecipientFilter : ((((CustomAttributeXX -eq 'XXXXX') -and (RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')))
PrimarySmtpAddress : <MailAddress of DDG>
Example JournalingRule:
PS C:\> Get-JournalRule <Name of the JournalingRule>
Name : <Name of the JournalingRule>
Recipient : <MailAddress of DDG>
JournalEmailAddress : <Journaling Mailbox>
Scope : External
Enabled : True