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Exchange Team Blog

I've read your mind - and you're looking for information on ESP.

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
May 21, 2004

I don't post blogs very often - I tend not to have much to say that isn't random and am rather focused on the product, work in general, or trying to battle traffic to get home. But a comment in this recent blog post was mentioned to me.
To help you stress and size your deployments with The Exchange Stress & Performance tool, aka ESP, I have created sample scripts. I took a shot at creating an OWA small simulation, an OWA medium simulation, and (you guessed it) an OWA large simulation. I was also frustrated with the old documentation being written in Documentation-ese and wrote some for us commoners.

These scripts will simulate a user session as if they have never logged in from that machine before - it makes no assumption of cached data. It'll be your worst case scenario for that reason.
Don't like the actions simulated? Comment out the ones you are not interested in or add in the ones you want.

The biggest problem that people have with the ESP is sending up the right headers. Taking a network sniff will help you here.
My caveat here is that I have not touched these in a while and they may be a tad dated, but they will get you going. The documentation should get you the rest of the way there.
Here are the samples. Create a folder and extract all the items into that folder - default name that the script assumes is C:\OWASuite. There are two Word docs that will walk you through the setup and tuning as well as troubleshooting, and then a short readme for tweaking the files.

Did this help you? Let me know. Want something major added? Let me know - I'd be happy to change them if it really helped folks. I'm passionate about my product and anything I can do to help you guys deploy it and be as passionate about it, I'm signed up!

- Lydia Ash

Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Cool stuff -- how do you get multiple hosts working with the ESP 2003 version, though? It doesn't seem to accept any user (reports Unavailable/Unavailable) through DCOM Event Viewer for any host, username, etc., added. Did something break with the new ESP 2003?

    The docs aren't great at explaining if you have to do something else for a Active Directory environment (like setting environment variables, etc.) The "Connect Host" option just doesn't work.

    Love that POP3 load you can create, BTW. Any advice is appreciated ( Thanks to your team for creating a great tool!
  • thanks for the info, esp is not the easiest thing to pickup and run with. oh and try and find something on google about medusa or esp examples, ehhhh, nope. so, every little bit helps, thanks again.
  • Too much debugging lately... I see ESP and I think stack pointer.