JohnVolmer I am also looking forward to Mircosoft enabling this feature in Outlook for Mac. However, I think there is a technical constraint since the Certificate is stored in the KeyChain and Microsoft has to Publish it by picking it from the KeyChain.
As an alternative, I am currently publishing the Public certificates of users manually to GAL.
1. Install the SMIME Certificate on the User's Mac
2. Export the Public key/certificate in *.cer format from KeyChain
3. Publish it to GAL using PowerShell.
Below are the commands to Publish a Public certificate to GAL.
$cert1 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate "C:\Users\Amit\Desktop\SMIME\SMIME_Public_Certificate.cer"
$certarray = New-Object system.collections.arraylist
Set-Mailbox -Identity email address removed for privacy reasons -UserCertificate $certarray -UserSmimeCertificate $certarray
To view the Published certificates.
Get-Mailbox | ? {$_.UserSMimeCertificate -or $_.UserCertificate} | select Name,UserSMimeCertificate,UserCertificate
Hope this will help.
Also, please post here if there is any other effective method to Publish the Certificates to GAL.