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Exchange Team Blog

Help us Improve the Exchange Server Update Experience

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
Jan 19, 2023

Update 2/1/2023: The survey is now closed; thank you for your feedback!

We’re looking into ways in which we can improve the experience of installing Exchange Server Cumulative Updates (CUs) and Security Updates (SUs).  We’d love to get your input and feedback.

We have created a brief survey for you which we will keep open until the end of this month.  The survey is anonymous, but we do give you an option to share your contact info with us if you’re open to discussing this further with us.

Please take a few moments to respond to this survey and let us know what we can do to improve the experience of installing Exchange Server updates.

Microsoft Exchange Server - Update Experience Survey
(link removed on 2/1/2023)

Exchange Server Team

Updated Feb 01, 2023
Version 2.0
  • Tim_Read's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Is there any way to provide feedback now that the survey is closed? I missed that it was only up until the end of January.

  • For my purposes it would be more helpful if the releases occurred on Patch Tuesday instead of a week after.  I have to run through the update process twice and also schedule QA testing twice instead of getting it done in one process.  


    Also a heads up as to when an update an update is coming and also that an extra is going to be announced would be very helpful instead of being surprised.  Extended Protection and the most recent "Enable Certificate Signing of PowerShell Serialization Payload" come to mind.

  • UK_SteveD's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks, I'll pickup my free T-Shirt at the next in-person Microsoft Exchange Conference 🙂

  • blushta's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    1. I believe that the Exchange server should notify the Exchange Admin thru a ECP that a new CU or SU was released with a link to the KB article. A similar notification to certificate expiration that we receive when a certificate is close to reaching end of validity.


    2. Exchange CU are still very time consuming, the deployment takes to much time, especially if you have more than two Exchange servers.


    3. The cumulative update should check if the Exchange server is in maintenance mode and if not give an option to add the server into the maintenance mode 

  • jboddy's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Some of the question ask "if you have not....", so no answer is needed if you have to enter an answer as it is required.

    A useful questionnaire any way, it brought some features to my attention.