Here at, we've posted a few times about our Exchange TechCenter, see here and even here for a way-back post. We love the TechCenter, and all it brings to you, our customers. In fact, we are planning to move this blog even closer to the TechCenter as we move towards the Exchange 2010 product release. Combining everything about the TechCenter with the Exchange team blog is our idea of a match made in heaven. As a preview to this, when we released the Exchange 2010 Beta, we also launched the Exchange 2010 Beta TechCenter. The Exchange 2010 Beta TechCenter is currently a separate site in addition to the Exchange Server 2007/2003 TechCenter. Check out our new layout: This is the main Exchange 2007/2003 TechCenter design: In conjunction with the Exchange Server 2010 Release To the Web (RTW), we'll integrate the Exchange 2010 beta website with the current (non-Exchange 2010 focused) TechCenter. However, we are currently designing this integrated TechCenter, and we are looking for your feedback during this process. First a few things about the Exchange 2010 Beta TechCenter: You might notice that we streamlined navigation to 4 main tabs: Home, Help, Blog, and Forums.
- Help: The "Library" tab in the current (non-Exchange 2010 focused) Exchange Server TechCenter was renamed to "Help" in the beta site. This tab name change is more than just an editorial change. For the first time, with Exchange Server 2010, accessing help via F1 from the Exchange Management Console (EMC), takes you directly to the contextually appropriate topic online in the TechNet Library vs. opening a.chm file-so the Library *is* the Help.
- Blog and Forums: We want to emphasize the priority for community in the design of the TechCenter so that you can connect with the Exchange team and each other. In this, we're making these key community resources more prominent.
- Information you need: We placed the most important beta content right on the TechCenter's main page (i.e system requirements, download and 2010 blog and forum posts) and provide another view into the latest blog and forum posts on Exchange Server 2010. These "content areas" are being updated on a continuous basis as more is developed.
- On the main page of the TEchCenters, we typically highlighted key video, webcast and whitepaper content. How much of this featured content should be Exchange 2010 content vs. Exchange 2007 content on the main page of the next release of the TechCenter?
- Do the tools/resources on our actual Help content pages (here's an example page) give you access to what you need? (i.e. content ratings, link to more information, table of contents, etc)
- Is there a particular content type or area that should be more prominent on the next version of the TechCenter?