For users who schedule meetings with people outside of your organization (sales, HR, supply chain, etc), it could take up to an hour of emailing back and forth to settle on a time of meetings (read more here). In addition to the lack of free/busy availability, additional number of attendees, time zones, and other factors could increase the scheduling complexity further.
FindTime can help reduce this time because it allows the meeting organizer to propose multiple potential time slots for attendees and they can vote on which slot fits better with their available time and in their local time zone. Unlike most services with similar features, FindTime is included as part of all Office and Microsoft 365 Business and Enterprise licenses. FindTime also have access to your organization’s free/busy availability, so you can choose slots based on your colleagues’ availability too!
You’ve told us multiple times that you wanted to deploy FindTime but were blocked by its data storage infrastructure. We heard you and so we re-wrote the entire back-end infrastructure for FindTime, we built a new service within the Office 365 compliance boundary! Wait, what? More specifically, the organizer’s poll data is now stored in their mailbox and will not leave your tenant’s environment (woohoo EXO!).
Now that the FindTime service is within the Office 365 compliance boundary, you may be wondering about your users outside of the US. For those who prefer to have their Outlook experience in their native language, we have made FindTime available in 13 languages - Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Italian, French, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Korean, Japanese, German, Turkish, Russian, and Spanish, and their poll data will be stored in their mailbox too!
Your users can access FindTime from the Office add-in store or you can deploy it to your tenant following the instructions in the following article:
We hope that with this update, FindTime will help reduce the amount of time people spend trying to find a time to meet that works for everyone!
Doris Deng & Gabriel Valdez Malpartida
Updated Mar 12, 2020
Version 2.0The_Exchange_Team
Joined April 19, 2019
Exchange Team Blog
You Had Me at EHLO.