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Exchange Team Blog

Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2 Language Pack Available for Download

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
May 23, 2012

We’re pleased to announce that we have released the newest version of the Exchange 2010 language pack and that it is available for download here.

This language pack resolves three key issues some customers have experienced;

  • Events being logged in the application log for any user not using en-us as their chosen language after installing SP2 RU1.
  • A wording error in the German version of OWA
  • A wording error in the Dutch version of OWA

Note that Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2 included the full language pack, and if you are not experiencing the problems or have not installed any language packs post SP2 you do not need to apply this language pack.

The Exchange Customer Experience Team

Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Hi Greg,

    yes, the false translation has been in all versions of Exchange 2010 so far. Thanks for opening a bug report!


  • Hi Jens, thanks for highlighting this. The error we fixed was in the Delivery Report UI, not this one. I have opened a new bug for this. This seems to have always be in 2010 based on my quick testing, would you agree?

  • Hi,

    could you tell me which German wording error was corrected?

    After installing the update, there is still another error left: The term "my site" reading the website from AD is translated to "Mein Standort", which is not the correct translation. It should be "Meine Webseite" instead.


  • It's been a long time coming, but thanks a lot :)

    You just made several Dutch customers very very happy. Finally we can start deploying SPs to Dutch Exchange 2010 environments :)

  • When i update exchange sp2 most of computers do not   join AD error contact

  • SP2 has the full language pack built in, there's nothing else you need to do, and no, you can't not install it.

    This language pack is only for customers that already have SP2, with the full language pack that shipped with it, and are experiencing any of the three issues referred to in the blog post.

  • Can Exchange 2010 sp2 be installed without the language pack?  Or, is there a way to speed up installation of sp2 by having the language pack already expanded and saved locally instead of downloading from the Internet?

  • Thanks guys! Finally an update to solve the issue in the Dutch WebApp interface. I'm happy again ;-)