Blog Post

Exchange Team Blog

EHLO Maintenance

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
Mar 10, 2011

The Exchange team blog database will be locked for maintenance from Thursday 3/10/2011 at 10:00 a.m. through Monday 3/14/2010. The site will be accessible, but you'll be unable to post comments during this period.


Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Hello there!

    Im really interested in two things now. The first one is what backup tool is the best that support DAG(both active,passive)? It´s even hard for me to get the answers from the vendors.

    The second thing I would like to know more about is if it´s possible and whats the easiest way to get _all_ exchange logs to a remote syslogserver.

    Kepp up the good work! Love the information I can get here!

    Take care!

  • Best Backuptool? Microsoft's DPM: System Center Data Protection Manager fully supports DAGs.

  • I see we are back on-line, and so does the RSS feed - eveything is doubled up since the 01-12-2011 posts (same goes for the Exchange Team blog)