When running the Exchange Time Zone Update tool, or the Outlook Time Zone update tool, issues may arise with Resource mailboxes. There are two methods of managing Resource mailboxes. The first method is using the Auto Accept Agent. The second method is by implementing Direct Booking using Outlook's Resource booking functionality.
The Auto Accept Agent is installed and configured on the Exchange Server where the resource mailbox resides. The following workarounds can be used to mitigate problems with the Time Zone Update tools.
UPDATE 3/1: We have consolidated the listed workarounds below to the list of workarounds that will give you the best results only.
Auto Accept Agent
Workarounds are listed from easier to harder.
Auto Accept Agent Workaround #1
The hotfix for the Outlook tool is now available. Please see the following KB article:
Please note that the original Outlook tool has to be installed before the hotfix is applied. The article contains information about new switches available in the tool.
Auto Accept Agent Workaround #2
1. Disable the Auto Accept Agents by unregistering the mailboxes.
2. Run the Exchange Time Zone Update Tool.
3. Log in to each Resource mailbox, and manually process all updated meeting requests.
Auto Accept Agent Workaround #3
1. Install the Windows and Exchange DST patches.
2. Do not run either the Exchange Time Zone Update Tool, or the Outlook Time Zone Update Tool. Have meeting organizers update the Subject of the meetings only to reflect the correct time and time zone.
Direct Booking
The hotfix for the Outlook tool is now available, this is your best way of dealing with Direct Booking resources. Please see the following KB article:
Please note that the original Outlook tool has to be installed before the hotfix is applied. The article contains information about new switches available in the tool.
- Ben Winzenz, thanks also to Richard Roddy
Published Feb 17, 2007
Version 1.0The_Exchange_Team
Joined April 19, 2019
Exchange Team Blog
You Had Me at EHLO.