The_Exchange_Team jettan - Thanks for providing an update to this touchy subject. Dare I ask whether there are any other improvements in the pipeline to help us identify and eliminate basic auth usage? In a large tenant, working with the sign in logs is still clunky. For example, the JSON export contains a lot of information that is lost when you import it into Excel. If the export is too large, the download of the JSON fails. Since the search result doesn't show how many entries will be downloaded, this turns into a hit and miss as to how many days can be included in one download to prevent a failed download.
The screenshots in one of the referenced pages shows a download limit of 250,000 records. In our tenant, this limit is 100,000. What can I do to do to get this increased?
Lastly, I usually struggle with double negatives, but doesn't -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled set to $False mean that you are enabling Basic Auth for SMTP AUTH for your tenant whereas the paragraph above states this is the cmdlet to disable it?