Renee Noble and Cynthia Zanoni went LIVE as part of Ignite 2023, with Learn Live: Build a minigame console app with GitHub Copilot. Catch the video, all the links, and extra useful resources on AI and GitHub tech here!
In this Learn Live session, they went through Microsoft Learn’s Challenge project - Build a minigame with GitHub Copilot and Python.
This session is about using the power of GitHub Copilot to help you quickly create a well-known game, “Scissors, Paper, Rock!” (or whatever order you list them in your region!). We took a look at how GitHub Copilot can quickly fill out our coding logic, autocomplete our code ideas, and learn from our code as we go. We also show how we are using Codespaces to let us write code and run our Python game without ever leaving the web browser.
Since this is a Challenge module, there will be lots of ways of solving the problem that’s presented. We take you through one way of approaching it and answer some questions about how else we could have approached it with GitHub Copilot by our side. We also answer some other questions about GitHub, GitHub Copilot, Codespaces, and more!
After the Video
After the session, there’s more Learn content you can take advantage of to level up your GitHub skills!
Check out this Learn Collection that goes along with our session.
Or see more about the Cloud Skills Challenge that was released last week at GitHub Universe, it has some perfect content to extend your GitHub, GitHub Copilot, and Codespaces skills! For more video content to learn more GitHub skills, you can check out Renee's blogs and videos to learn how to Get started with Git blog, Get Collaborative with Git, and GitHub Tools to 'Git' Yourself a Leg Up blog. (Watch this space over the next week as we link to new blogs on each of these videos as they are released!)
If you liked this challenge module, we have more AI-powered challenges for you here in our AI Kick-off Projects collection. There will be a brand new Challenge by Renee coming to this collection soon with some of the latest AI tools, more Copilot options, and low-code tech released at Ignite. And for more livestreams with AI, catch the AI Tips and Tricks Reactor livestream series with Cynthia and Carlotta.
More from our hosts
Don’t forget you can see what our hosts are up to next. Check out their LinkTrees below for opportunities to connect on social media, follow their coming sessions, and more.
Renee Noble: LinkTree Cynthia Zanoni: LinkTree
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