Today, we’re excited to announce that additional features we covered in the November 2017 Teams for Education update are now available worldwide, offering rich new teaching and learning opportunities for educators and students who use Microsoft Teams for Education.
Introducing List View
In response to educator feedback, we’ve provided another way to view assignments at a glance. While in list view, easily scroll down or up to see upcoming or past assignments. Just as before, selecting an assignment’s card will open that assignment’s full details. Browse assignments from the Assignments tab inside your class’s General channel, or view assignments across all classes by selecting Assignments from the Teams sidebar. To view assignments in a week-to-week view, toggle to the week view icon or return to today’s date by selecting Go to today.
Teacher viewing assignments in one class.
Student viewing assignments across all their classes.
Multiple class assignment distribution:
We’ve streamlined assignment distribution for educators managing multiple classrooms. Now, Assignments in Microsoft Teams for Education offers the ability to create and assign a single assignment to multiple classes at once. With one click, assignments are sent to all the classes you need, saving time and effort. Once your assignment is distributed, it can still be edited and/or deleted within an individual class. Note: Multi-class distribution for OneNote assignments goes into beta for early February.
Learn more about multi-class assignment distribution here
We hope you enjoy these updates, and we encourage you to reach out with feedback any time to @MicrosoftTeams or @MicrosoftEDU
Updated Jan 12, 2018
Version 2.0MikeTholfsen
Joined July 27, 2016
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