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Core Infrastructure and Security Blog

(WAL) - Workflow Example - Removal of a multivalued reference attribute

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Nov 01, 2019

First published on MSDN on Oct 13, 2017
Special Thanks to Mr. David Hodge for putting the WAL Workflow Documentation together
Things to keep in mind
• the RemoveValues function requires a “List” to be passed to it. Adding in the GUID into the RemoveValues function didn’t seem to do it.
• An example PowerShell activity that allows you to build a list of object GUIDs to pass to the Update Resources activity.

Below is how I modified it… We could probably be more elegant by add
function New-GenericObject
Create a new generic object.
Create a new generic object.
New-GenericObject -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List  -TypeParameters Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.CSEntryChange

[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

$genericTypeName = $typeName + '`' + $typeParameters.Count
$genericType = [Type]$genericTypeName

if (!$genericType)
throw "Could not find generic type $genericTypeName"

# Bind the type arguments to it
$typedParameters = [type[]] $TypeParameters
$closedType = $genericType.MakeGenericType($typedParameters)

if (!$closedType)
throw "Could not make closed type $genericType"

# Create the closed version of the generic type, don't forget comma prefix
,[Activator]::CreateInstance($closedType, $constructorParameters)

$MembersToAdd = New-GenericObject System.Collections.Generic.List Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.UniqueIdentifier
$MembersToRemove = New-GenericObject System.Collections.Generic.List Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.UniqueIdentifier

#Example of how to add/remove a MIM Object by GUID
#$FIMService = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.UniqueIdentifier("e05d1f1b-3d5e-4014-baa6-94dee7d68c89")
#$BulitInSyncAccount = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.UniqueIdentifier("fb89aefa-5ea1-47f1-8890-abe7797d6497")

$ObjectID = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.UniqueIdentifier("e05d1f1b-3d5e-4014-baa6-999999999999")

return @{ "MembersToAdd" = $MembersToAdd; "MembersToRemove" = $MembersToRemove }

Updated Feb 20, 2020
Version 3.0
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