First published on TECHNET on Aug 09, 2012
Authored by Santos Martinez
TSMBAutoRun.exe is the tool used to Capture Images with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
This week I was working with a customer on capture their main operating system image and found out that when we build the USB Capture Media was not able to run, a little odd since I remember having this situation long time ago. At that time I did a remote capture of the operating system and did not research the situation more, but this time since was the second time that happened to me I decided to take a look and did more research about it before I start crying that it doesn’t work.
Read More Below.
Decide to research a little bit more to find the solution and this is what ended up doing.
Was searching for what others are saying about this issue.
I found 2 good sources of information.
Thanks to Jacky Chua for his blog post.
Now I decide to execute those steps to get capture Media USB and ISO Fixed.
This is what I found when I perform my own troubleshoot.
When I click on TSMBAutorun.exe is the starting path is actually X:\SMS\Bin\i386 and the .exe is trying to find the TSMBBootstrap.exe located at X:\SMS\bin\x64. This only happened on the X64 machines since on the X86 the path is correct.
To fix this issue we create a folder under i386 call it SMS\BIN\X64 and copy all files from X:\SMS\BIN\X64.
I use Power ISO in this case to change the ISO.
After this TSMBAutorun.exe is able to run since it found the valid path for the sources.
After that I follow the wizard to store the capture image.
That’s it the after a few minutes (30+ Minutes) we got the capture completed with no future problem.
If you still have problems on capturing your image I suggest read the following resources:
Planning for Capturing Operating System Images in Configuration Manager
How can you capture a Windows XP image using System Center 2012 Configuration Manager OSD
Santos Martinez
Microsoft Premier Field Engineer
SMS/ConfigMgr/Databases US- Central Region
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