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Secrets from the Deep – The DNS Analytical Log – Part 1

EJansen's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 11, 2020

Hi Team, it's Eric Jansen again, here in part one of a series of discussions revolving around the extremely exciting topic of the DNS Analytical Log.  Alright, maybe it's not that exciting, so crack open your favorite energy drink and let's chat.  Today I'll be talking about something that I've seen a number of requests for from our internal discussion groups that support engineers have posted asking on behalf of their customers.  In summary, that question is:  "Can the DNS Analytical Log be customized to only log certain data?  I only care about X,Y, and Z when I'm digging through the logs; the rest just gets in my way and makes the log fill up faster than necessary." 


Well, boys and girls, I'm here to announce that you can both have your cake and eat it too.  The answer is YES YOU CAN!  Who’s excited!?  Yeah…I hear ya, me too!


First things first though, for those that don't know what the DNS Analytical Log is, read this. For everyone else, let's move on to the exciting part - but first take another sip of your favorite energy drink - it's a bit of a long read.


OK, so how do we go about doing this?  Well, let's pick it apart.  We'll treat it as if we're doing a custom ETL trace defining the "Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer" provider and the event data that we're looking for - Primarily because, that's what's happening; it's just a default configuration that gets reset every time you stop and start the built-in DNS Analytical Log.  With that said though, lets run through an example of setting up a custom trace using PowerShell, and hopefully that'll help you better understand the end result of what happens when I later modify the built-in DNS Analytical Log:


Step 1:  Define a path to your .ETL and create an Event Session.



So far so good…


…Until it's not so good.  I say that because inevitably, some folks that try the above may get an error showing the following:



The issue that you'll run into (if you get that error) is that you can only have one session running at a time.  In this case, I tried to immediately start another event session after I already had one started.  If another session is already running, you'd need to find what it is, and stop/remove it, if it's not in use (in your lab, of course).  You can do that by running Get-NetEventSession, and if you find an Event Session that’s running, you'll need to Stop-NetEventSession, and finally you'll need to remove it using Remove-NetEventSession.  After that, you should be able to create your session.


Step 2:  Figure out what options the "Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer" Provider offers, so that you can input data into Step 3.


For that, I wrote a little snippet of code to help you out: 


function Get-ProviderKeyWordData ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Provider, [switch]$ShowLevels )
$ProviderKeywords = Get-WinEvent -ListProvider $Provider | select -ExpandProperty keywords 
$ConvertedKeywordTable = @()

    Foreach ($Keyword in $ProviderKeywords){
    $KWConvertedToHex = "{0:x16}" -f $Keyword.value
    $KWHashTable = [Ordered]@{KeywordName = $;KeyWordValue = $("0x" + $KWConvertedToHex)}
    $ConvertedKeywordTable += New-Object psobject -Property $KWHashTable

$LevelData = @()
    $Levels = Get-WinEvent -ListProvider $Provider | select -ExpandProperty Levels
    foreach($Level in $Levels){$LevelData += New-Object psobject -Property @{DisplayName = $Level.DisplayName ;Level = $("0x" +$Level.Value)} }    

$LevelData | ft -AutoSize



Of course, all of my code comes with the following disclaimer:  

This is a sample script.  Sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 


With that out of the way, when you run the function, and define "Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer" for the -Provider parameter value, it'll display the KeywordNames and KeyWordValues, as well as the Level options, if you use the -ShowLevels parameter: 



Step 3:  Add the ETW provider to the Event Session with the specific options that you'd like to collect.   


In this case, I was looking for Errors, with a KeyWordName of "RESPONSE_FAILURE", however, because it’s a bitmask value, you can pick and choose as many options as you want.  For the purposes of my demonstration, however, I’m just choosing the one value of interest.  Also, note the required type casting for each variable in the screenshot below. 




Step 3:  Start the Session. 


Step 4:  So now, I'm going to switch it up a bit and look for AutoLoggers and/or Sessions that are using the "Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer" Provider GUID, and it just happens to find the trace that I just started in the list.   Interesting... 



Step 5:  Consume more of your energy drink, while collecting data, and then check your progress. 



Step 6:  OK, we've collected some data, let's stop the trace and see what we're able to find. 



Indeed, it looks like the only data that we're getting back is what we wanted - "RESPONSE_FAILURE" events with a level of "Error".  In this case, it's showing domain names that are being blocked by Query Resolution Policies, that clients are attempting to query, but are being refused. 


Step 7:  We've validated that the trace only showed us what we wanted, so let's remove the session since it's no longer needed. 



Alright, so now let's see if we can apply this same logic to the built-in DNS Analytical Debug Log, but where do we begin?  Well, if the default DNS Analytical Log is just an ETW session, let's see what sessions are using the "Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer" Provider GUID before and again after we start the DNS Analytical Log. 





Enable the DNS Analytic Log: 






OK, so we've determined that once the built-in DNS Analytic Log is started, it creates an AutoLogger and a Session for collecting data, showing the default configuration for data collection.  We've also determined that there's a useful cmdlet named Get-ETWTraceProvider..  If only we could modify this, to meet our own requirements….  Perhaps there's a Set-EtwTraceProvider?.prepare to be happy, because there is!  Awesome.  


OK, so, when we created the custom trace earlier, looking for AutoLoggers and Sessions that were using that provider, you may have noticed that it only created a session when we did a Get-ETWTraceProvider -GUID '{EB79061A-A566-4698-9119-3ED2807060E7}'.  With that said, all we really need to modify is the "EventLog-Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer-Analytical" session - there's no need to attempt to modify the AutoLogger. 


So, let's use the same logic that we did when we created the custom trace, when adding the provider to the event session, but with Set-EtwTraceProvider and see what happens: 



Crash and burn.  We failed with Access Denied.....  But what if we had more power?  Let's try to run as SYSTEM and see what happens.  To do this I used a third-party function called Invoke-CommandAs, written by a Mr. MarKellerman that can be found on his Github page, here. 


So, after running as system, it looks like there's no more 'Access Denied' issues, AND the Level and KeyWord values match what I set them to. 



I trust what I see above, but let's verify to see what's being logged: 



Wouldya look at that!?  When the log was initially started, it was collecting any / all DNS analytic events that met the criteria of the provider, but as soon as I modified the session, it changed to only the data of interest that I defined when running Set-ETWTraceProvider.  I like it! 


But do the changes persist, or does it reset to the default if I disable the log, and then re-enable the log?  I may have already answered that above, but let's see anyway: 



The changes in fact DO NOT persist - some may prefer that, some may not.  Fortunately, it's all scriptable. 


Well team, that's all you get this time, but hopefully this proves to be useful to someone out there.  Until next time, when we discuss more in regards to things that you can do with the DNS Analytical Log, and maybe talk about some of the Easter eggs in this blog posting. 

Updated Mar 28, 2022
Version 16.0
  • Hi Kelly,


    When you go into the Event View in the GUI and click on the Analytical log, do you get the same error as seen below? (you should)  



    Just curious if the GUI matches what you're seeing in PS, in regards to showing that it's enabled.






  • KellyLynch's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hello EJansen,


    Awesome. Thank you.


    I tried out a snippet of a script you have in the article. Unfortunately, that snippet reports the error "No events were found that match the specified selection criteria."

    PS C:\Windows\system32> $eventLogName = 'Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical'
    PS C:\Windows\system32> $eventLog = Get-WinEvent -ListLog $eventLogName
    PS C:\Windows\system32> $eventLogPath = $eventLog.LogFilePath.Replace('%SystemRoot%', "$env:windir")
    PS C:\Windows\system32> $eventLogPath
    PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-WinEvent -Path $eventLogPath -Oldest
    Get-WinEvent : No events were found that match the specified selection criteria.


    It appears that although I've enabled DNS Analytical logging

    $log = Get-WinEvent -ListLog Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical
    ❯ $log.IsEnabled=$true
    ❯ $log.SaveChanges()

    That the ETL file is "empty" -- its currently 4kb large and hasn't grown since enabling the logging.


    The DNS server is hosted on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (6.3.9600.0), the DNS properties "Event Logging" page currently has "All events" selected and it currently handling a bit more that 60 QPS.


    I'll certainly be reading through this blog series to determine whether there is some configuration knob that I need to twist to enable the desired logging. Of course, I'm happy to hear about an obvious solution to my dilemma. 🙂


    Thank you for this terrific technical resource.

  • KellyLynch's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hello EJansen,


    Did reading the ETW events displayed in the image under the text "I trust what I see above, but let's verify to see what's being logged" require stopping the DNS Analytical logging?


    If not, which PowerShell command was used to read the log records? If it was stopped, is there a way to read those events while DNS Analytical logging is still enabled and writing new records?


    Thank you,

    Kelly Lynch

  • Hi ScottBarnes,


    In Part 2 of the series, I hint at a series of functions that I've written to manipulate the DNS Analytical Log, and one of those is called Enable-DNSAnalyticLog.  I'll be sharing those seven functions later on in the series (it's going to be somewhat of a long series on a topic that few are interested in 😉 ).  To meet your immediate goals though you can enable the log with the following:


    wevtutil sl Microsoft-Windows-DNSServer/Analytical /Enabled:true /quiet


    As far as the Set-DNSServerDiagnostics, myself and Joel will likely be commenting on that as well - comparing the DNS Analytical Logs to the DNS Debug Logs.




  • ScottBarnes's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Eric,


    It would be helpful if you could step back and explain how to enable DNS Analytical Logging using only PowerShell. The Windows Server documentation is so old that it only mentions GUI methods. And whoever wrote the examples for Set-DnsServerDiagnostics was only interested in packet-level debug logging. This info would be quite helpful for those of us running Server Core.



    Scott Barnes