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Core Infrastructure and Security Blog

PowerShell Saturday in Charlotte

Christopher Weaver's avatar
May 15, 2019

First published on TECHNET on Sep 19, 2012

Hello All,


This past Saturday (9/15/2012) I got a chance to present at the 2nd PowerShell Saturday in Charlotte with Ed Wilson from HeyScriptingGuy and Jim Christopher from BeefyCode , had an amazing time discussing how I use scripts, different techniques and little tricks I have learned.  If your curious about when there will be an upcoming PowerShell Saturdays in your area or would like to organize one, check out here P owershellSaturday and get involved.


My presentation was PowerShell 101:Intro to Scripting and I covered some basic level techiniques with cmdlets and modules, If you would like you can view the PowerPoint presentation which is attached to this Post.


PowerShell 101.pptx

Updated Apr 28, 2020
Version 2.0
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